Presentation at BBC, 7-04-2011 Linac 4 Commissioning Dump at 50 and 100MeV 1 Øyvind Dahle Lauten, EN-STI.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation at BBC, 7-04-2011 Linac 4 Commissioning Dump at 50 and 100MeV 1 Øyvind Dahle Lauten, EN-STI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation at BBC, 7-04-2011 Linac 4 Commissioning Dump at 50 and 100MeV 1 Øyvind Dahle Lauten, EN-STI

2  Dump features  Material  Cooling system  Assembly  Summary 2 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Outline

3  Recycle/adapt 3-12MeV Aluminum Dump Design  Same vacuum chamber  No further use of the dump foreseen  Possible to relocate the dump  Goal: One common design able to endure 3/12/50 and 100MeV 3 Øyvind D. Lauten, EN-STI Dump features

4 4 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Beam parameters ParameterSymbolUnitsLoad Beam: EnergyEMeV31250100 Beam PowerQW19.5788001600 Max average beam current I avg mA6.5 40 Nominal size Δ x X Δ y mm x mm30 x 3320 x 304.4 x 4.44.1 x 4.1 Minimum size10 x 10 3.8 x 2.41 x 2 Pulse: Pulse length τ µS100 400 Repetition rateRRHz1111 Duty cycleDC%0.01 0.04

5  Copper-Base  C10100 (OFE)  C15000 (Cu-Zr)  High thermal conductivity  Max water speed:1.5m/s  Graphite-Plate  R4550  Angle: 5.5°  Minimum thickness: 1cm 5 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Material Beam

6 6 Ø.Dahle Lauten, EN-STI First pulse  Energy deposition  Temperature rise  Transient state  Pulse length: 400µS  Perfect contact Beam power1600W Absorbed power (FLUKA)1511W Absorbed power (ANSYS)1503W Peak energy deposition FLUKA1188.1J/Cm^3/pulse Peak energy deposition ANSYS1177.5J/Cm^3/pulse

7  Keep existing geometry boundaries from pre- design of 3/12MeV dump  Temperature difference between outlet and inlet must be less than 5-8K  Peak temperature in cooling pipe must be below boiling temperature.  Water speed below 1.5m/s  Secure leak tightness to vacuum  Manufacturing process 7 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Cooling System Design constraints

8 8 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Calculation  To reach steady state we need a cooling system able to absorb 1600W (Q)  Safety factor= 2

9 9 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Solution 1: Δ T(wall- water) Average °C Peak Temp (pipe) °C Temp (whole body) °C 45108199 2 pipes with a diameter of 4mm Δ T(out-in) 40.7 °C  Calculation  Steady state, FEM

10 10 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Solution 2: Δ T (wall-water) Average °C Peak Temp (pipe) °C Temp (whole body) °C 1264148 4pipes with a diameter of 9mm Δ T(out-in) 4 °C  Steady state, FEM  Calculation

11 11 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Assembly of Graphite and Copper  Track system  Clamp  Adhesive bonding  Brazing

12  It is possible to obtain an effective cooling system for the 50/100MeV commissioning Dump by adapting the 3/12MeV Aluminum Dump Design.  Proposed solution: 12 Øyvind D.Lauten, EN-STI Summary Work ahead:  Stress analysis  Study of Assembly/clamping method  Welding in vacuum  Simulations of dump at 3/12 MeV Study for alternatives

13 13 Øyvind D.Lauten EN-STI Thank you

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