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Palline 2 Tmax in ON. The new sensitivity experiments Superimposed anomalies are turned on from June to February, following the idealized seasonal cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Palline 2 Tmax in ON. The new sensitivity experiments Superimposed anomalies are turned on from June to February, following the idealized seasonal cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palline 2 Tmax in ON

2 The new sensitivity experiments Superimposed anomalies are turned on from June to February, following the idealized seasonal cycle The exception is the tropical Atlantic anomaly, turned on from October to June, following the idealized lag Niño-Atlantic Niño mode

3 Tmax SD – ON – Sensitivity to the SST forcing In all the experiments, Tmax variance maximizes in N Patagonia and along the eastern SA Pacific and Atlantic forcings are associated with ↑ variance in Amazonas. Indian forcing is related with ↓ variance at around 20°S

4 Tmax Mean Tmax P75 Tmax P25 NoD [%] with Tmax in the 4 th quartile NoD [%] with Tmax in the 1 st quartile The ↑ variance in Amazonia is related with Large ↑ of the threshold of the P75 (45% of days falling in the 4 th quartile) Moderate ↑ of the threshold of the P25 (no more than 15% of days falling in the 1 st quartile) ↑ in the Tmax mean field Tmax – ON – Sensitivity to the Pacific Dateline SST forcing The ↑ in the Tmax mean field in LPB and Central- North Argentina is related with ↑ of the threshold of the P75 (35% of days falling in the 4 th quartile) ↑ of the threshold of the P25 (15% of days falling in the 1 st quartile) Few changes in variance

5 Tmax – ON – Sensitivity to the basin forcings

6 Ro(ET,T2m), with negative correlations (blue). Estimation based on annual mean “observed” values ET is limited by atmospheric demand Classifying the regions with either T (demand limitation) or P (supply limitation) Jung et al., 2010 Ro(ET, PP) with positive correlations indicating coupling ET is limited by soil moisture supply Supply and demand limitation of ET

7 DPacEPac Natl CInd CTRL Tmax – ON – Jung like maps Sensitivity to the basin forcings

8 Tmax – ON – Jung like scatter plots Sensitivity to the basin forcings Natl CInd DPacEPac CTRL

9 Soil moisture-climate interactions Seneviratne et al. (2010) adapted from Budyko 1956

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