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Plenary session: Knowledge sharing and learning Building Block session: Producing learning resources, training materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Plenary session: Knowledge sharing and learning Building Block session: Producing learning resources, training materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plenary session: Knowledge sharing and learning Building Block session: Producing learning resources, training materials

2 What is the unique value proposition of this building block / Why do we need this for our CRPs? Capacity development is one of the cross-cutting functions of the SRF Each CRP proposal contains a section on capacity development Learning resources are needed to support the strengthening of partners’ capacity in CRPs However, the is no consistency in the CD approach across the CRPs Only a few research studies have been conducted so far – the Training Study of the CGIAR dates back to 2006 Training Study The former Science Council commissioned a background paper in 2007 to the 2008 World Development Report of the World Bank that dealt with skills development / CDbackground paper Building block: Knowledge commons

3 Who is already doing some work around this, how, with what success? Centers / CRPs continue to produce learning resources CRP 6 logframe includes the development of a number of technical documentation and learning resources In September 2012, the Consortium established a working group on CD (under the leadership of AfricaRice) “to identify where there is a benefit to collective action and if appropriate establish across CRP network of leaders in capacity building in a similar manner to the gender network.”working group on CD CGIAR still maintains a central LMS / repository for learning resources at – consider renewing the membership with ARIADNE at the Catholic University Leuven (KUL) to upgrade the system and get technical support as Building block: Knowledge commons

4 What are principles/critical success factors/interventions/actions needed to take advantage of this BB? Focus on user / learner task (“whole task” to develop technical documentation and corresponding learning resources – to avoid the often rather academic nature of the resources Use established / tested instructional design models Adapt international standards to ensure quality learning resources Develop modular content for technical documentation and learning resources to re-use / re-package the material – integrated with established publishing workflow Link up with the CD community in the KM community Ensure CD / learning resources are strictly linked to the impact pathway Ensure that CD / learning resources (“field testing”) is integrated with M&E Conduct more research on CD Building block: Knowledge commons

5 What were main discussion points? Integrating the development of technical documentation and learning resources Focusing on user / learner tasks in preparing these materials Adopting a modular approach to use / re-use topics, that is, concepts, facts, processes, procedures, principles Much of the work is focused on partnerships Optional Building block: Knowledge commons

6 What gaps remain and what will be done about it? Promoting a learning design workflow Engaging in more research on CD Working on process documentation and embedding this in M&E Joining writers, editors, artists, etc. together to repackage efforts Review CD approaches across CRPs and find ways to re-align them Optional Building block: Knowledge commons

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