History of the Internet WeeSan Lee

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1 History of the Internet WeeSan Lee weesan@cs.ucr.eduweesan@cs.ucr.edu


3 1969 ARPANET was born. 4 nodes were inter-connected: UCLA,SRI,UCSB, U. of Utah Charley Kline from UCLA sent 1 st packet. First RFC by Steve Crocker.

4 RFC = Request for Comments RFC's were invented by Steve Crocker to help provide a record of the Network Working Group's design of the ARPANET. Most of us were graduate students and we expected that a professional crew would show up eventually to take over the problems we were dealing with... We had accumulated a few notes, and we decided to put them together... The basic ground rules were that anyone could say anything and that nothing was official. And to emphasize the point, I labeled the notes 'Request for Comments.' I never dreamed these notes would be distributed through the very medium we were discussing in these notes. -Stephen Crocker, The Request For Comments Reference Guide, RFC 1000, Aug. 1987.

5 1970 RFC maintained by Jon Postel (the RFC-editor). ARPANET used NCP (Network Control Protocol), first end-to-end protocol

6 1971 15 nodes were connected. Ray Tomlinson of BBN invented email program.

7 1972 @ was chosen by Ray Tomlinson to separate the userid and hostname. First computer-to-computer chat program at UCLA.

8 1973 Ethernet was invented by Bob Metcalfe in his Harvard PhD Thesis

9 1974 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) was invented by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn.

10 1975 First mailing list was created by Steve Walker.

11 1976 Queen Elizabeth II sent out an email.

12 1978 TCP divided into TCP and IP.

13 1979 3Com was co-founded by Bob Metcalfe.

14 1981 BITNET (Because It’s Time NETwork) was started.

15 1982 DoD used TCP/IP to inter- connect networks. Thus, the Internet!!!

16 1983 NCP → TCP/IP. ARPANET was split into ARPANET and MILNET. BSD included TCP/IP.

17 1984 DNS (Domain Name System) was introduced. > 1000 hosts.

18 1986 NSFNET was created, connecting 5 super- computers. IETF was formed. NNTP was created.

19 1987 > 10,000 hosts.

20 1988 First Internet Worm released by Morris. CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) was formed as a result. IRC was created.

21 1989 > 100,000 hosts

22 1990 ARPANET ceased. AOL, CompuServe provided dial-up service.

23 1991 WWW was created by Tim Berners-Lee from CERN. Linux was released by Linus Torvalds.

24 1992 > 1,000,000 hosts. MBONE was created.

25 1993 Network Solution, Inc was chosen to provide domain name registration. www.whitehouse.govwww.whitehouse.gov online. Mosaic browser created.

26 1994 NSFNET was transformed to commercial network. Shopping mall. Can order pizza online.

27 1995 NSFNET was reverted back to research-only network. Realaudio started. Netscape IPO. Win95 released. Bob Metcalfe predicted the Internet would collapse.

28 1996 Browser war (Netscape vs. IE) began. tv.com sold to CNET for $15,000.

29 1997 www.whitehouse.comwww.whitehouse.com online. business.com sold for $150,000

30 1998 2M domain names registered. Compaq bought altavista.com for $3.3M. Google founded. Jon Postel (RFC-editor) died.

31 1999 First online banking. business.com sold for $7.5B Napster released.

32 2000 Millennium bug. Dotcom → dotgone. Clinton made first webcast.

33 2001 Wikipedia launched.

34 2002 Myspace launched.

35 2003 Facebook launched.

36 2005 Vint Cerf joined Google.

37 2006 > 439M hosts. 10 new computers joined the Internet every second.

38 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Internet_map_1024.jpg Internet Map

39 Reference The History of the Internet  http://www.isoc.org/internet/history/cerf.shtml http://www.isoc.org/internet/history/cerf.shtml  http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/history.html http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/history.html Timeline  http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/  http://www.isoc.org/internet/history/2002_0918_Internet_Hi story_and_Growth.ppt Al Gore invented the Internet?  http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~fessler/misc/funny/gore,net.txt http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~fessler/misc/funny/gore,net.txt  http://sethf.com/gore/ Who is managing the Internet?  http://www.acm.org/ubiquity/views/v6i5_simoneli.html

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