HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT AUTISM? “Warning signs can appear as early as 6 months, a growing body of research suggests. Take the quiz to get up to speed”

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Presentation on theme: "HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT AUTISM? “Warning signs can appear as early as 6 months, a growing body of research suggests. Take the quiz to get up to speed”"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT AUTISM? “Warning signs can appear as early as 6 months, a growing body of research suggests. Take the quiz to get up to speed” Moninger, J. (2014, August). How much do you know about autism? American Baby, pp. 13,14,15.

2 1. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER AFFECTS APPROXIMATELY HOW MANY KIDS IN THE U.S.? Answer: C—1 in 68 Diagnoses have climbed; it’s the fastest growing childhood developmental disorder. Why? Society has become more aware of autism

3 2. WHICH OF THESE FACTORS INCREASES A CHILD’S RISK?  D: All of the above  Low birth weight,- babies who weight less than 4lbs 6oz at birth are five times more likely  Being a boy—experts are still trying to figure out why boys are more often diagnosed with autism  Having older parents—parents in their 40s are 50% more likely of having a child with autism  Ongoing research suggests that genetic mutations my be partly responsible

4 3. WHAT STEPS CAN AN EXPECTANT MOTHER TAKE TO HELP PROMOTE HEALTHY BRAIN DEVELOPMENT?  Answer: A-Take a prenatal vitamin  Daily supplement not only help prevent premature delivery  Cuts the risk in half if taken in the first month (2011, Epidemiology study)  Folic Acid is vital (brain boosting vitamin)

5 4. AT WHAT AGE SHOULD A CHILD FIRST BE SCREENED FOR AUTISM?  Answer: B—18 months  Full screening takes place at 18 and 24 months  Screening for delay the requires a specialist  Starting at 2 months, pediatricians will look for delays  Head lag Head-lagHead-lag

6 5. IF A 4-MONTH-OLD CONSISTENTLY FAILS TO LOOK AT YOU WHEN YOU TALK TO HIM OR FEED HIM, HE MIGHT BE… Answer: B--showing one of the earlies t signs of autism  By 3 months, babies start picking up on social cues  Paying attention to people's eyes  Could be a warning sign if the baby does not  Babies diagnosed with Autism made increasingly less eye contact starting between 2 and 6 months

7 6. TRUE OR FALSE? BABIES USUALLY RESPOND TO THEIR NAME BY 6 MONTHS.  True  Name recognition is an important milestone  often lacking in infants who are later diagnosed with Autism * some normally developing infants might respond to their names later; as late as 12 months

8 7. JUST HOW MANY WORDS SHOULD A 12-MONTH-OLD HAVE IN HER VOCABULARY?  Answer: 2  most babies can say one or two words by their first birthday  By age 2, most can say at least 50 words and string together two word sentences

9 8. TRUE OR FALSE? THERE’S NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT AUTISM IF A BABY IS HITTING FIRST- YEAR MILESTONES. Answer: False A third of children who are diagnosed with autism start to lose language, social, or developmental skills. "regression is a major red flag" (Hayman 2007)

10 9. TRUE OR FALSE? THERE IS NO PROVEN LINK BETWEEN VACCINES AND AUTISM. Answer: True The 1998 British study behind this was a fallacy and retracted in 2010

11 10. IF A CHILD HAS AUTISM, WHAT ARE THE ODDS THAT A SIBLING WILL HAVE IT TOO?  Answer: High  Even though most children have not family history of the disorder  genetics play a large role in the disorder

12 11.TRUE OR FALSE? IT’S FINE FOR KIDS WITH AUTISM TO WAIT UNTIL THEY’RE SCHOOL AGE TO START THERAPY.  Answer: False  Toddlers who undergo intensive behavioral therapy show improvement  cognitive, language, and social skills

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