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Teaching Integrated Literacy Lessons by Aligning Reading and Writing Standards and Incorporating Reciprocal Processing Strategies to Improve the Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Integrated Literacy Lessons by Aligning Reading and Writing Standards and Incorporating Reciprocal Processing Strategies to Improve the Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Integrated Literacy Lessons by Aligning Reading and Writing Standards and Incorporating Reciprocal Processing Strategies to Improve the Writing of First Grade Students February 20, 2015 A Race to the Top Initiative NC Department of Public Instruction Educator Effectiveness Division

2 What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? Pathway 1 Teachers: Professional Development Identify problems of practice around instructional needs and conduct action research projects in their schools. Investigate and analyze the effectiveness of strategies and practices on student learning. Create professional development sessions and materials to be posted in Schoolnet and the Professional Development System in Home Base.

3 What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? A talented group of 450 outstanding teachers were selected from 1400 applicants for 2014-15. Teachers identify instructional needs, create innovative digital instructional resources and design professional development to support key Race to the Top initiatives in Home Base. Network Teachers continue their current educator roles in their schools and districts and serve in one of two pathways.

4 Action Research Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers and other educators to find solutions for critical, challenging, relevant issues in their classrooms and schools. Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

5 What is Action Research? Classroom and school research conducted by teachers to: Positively impact student outcomes Identify and promote effective instructional practices Create opportunities for teachers to become reflective practitioners Share research results with other educators Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

6 1.Work with grade levels to align Science, Social Studies and Literacy standards 1.Develop units and collect resources 1.Provide PD and model lessons using reciprocal processing strategies to K and 1st grade teachers The Original Plan….

7 The Revised Plan... Teaching Integrated Literacy Lessons by Aligning English Language Arts Standards and Incorporating Reciprocal Processing Strategies to Improve the Writing of First Grade Students

8 The Process 1.Shared research about reciprocal reading and writing strategies 1.Teachers collaborated and planned the teaching of reciprocal processing strategies during whole group instruction ● cross checking - Did my sentence make sense? Do the letters in the word look right?

9 The Process 3. Decided on a common writing rubric to measure students’ overall baseline in narrative writing as well as various writing skills. 4. Assigned a pre-test, scored the assessments based on the rubric, and entered results in a google form

10 The Process 5. Teachers reviewed the spreadsheet and decided on whole group and small group instructional lessons based on students’ need. ● Teachers used mentor texts and shared writing strategies to teach and model how to stay on topic while adding details. ● Teachers modeled writing a paragraph and included a sentence that did not belong. Students identified the sentence that didn’t fit. Teachers modeled decoding strategies to spell words in their writing

11 The Process 5. Continued ● Teachers practiced retelling orally and then in written form using terms like central message, main idea and key details. 6. Assigned a post test, scored the assessments based on the rubric and entered results in a google form

12 Two Intentional Instructional Practices Taking Place 1.Reciprocal Processing Strategies - Foundational and Language Standards (CAFE strategies) 2. Using pre-assessment data from the rubric to teach writing standards based on students’ need

13 The Results... Data shows evidence of explicit instruction and student learning ●Class A 0% of students received points for transition words in October compared to February where 100% of students received the full amount of points on rubric. ●Class B had 9% of students who scored the maximum amount of points for "complete and sequenced sentences that focus on a single topic" and increased the amount to 89% in February.

14 The Results…. * Class A had an average baseline score of 12.5 and an average post-assessment score of 14.8 for a growth of 2.2. Class B had an average baseline score of 5.7 and an average post-assessment score of 13.4 for a growth of 7.7. * Class A increased their overall proficiency from 11% to 44% while class B increased their overall proficiency from 0% to 31%. Data: h9Tr4x-aKoR-LFwR3REkcQ/edit#gid=0

15 Analysis of Results Class B - Average baseline score of 5.7 (passing score 16) was able to show a great amount of growth on the rubric by growing 7.7%. Class A - Average baseline score of 14.4 (passing score 16) was able to show a modest amount of growth of 2.2% So….why?

16 Analysis of Results Why? - Rubric assess basic writing skills ●3 sequenced sentences, capital letters, punctuation, 1 transition word The students who were performing at a basic level of writing were able to demonstrate their learning with basic skills. The students who were almost at a proficient level on the pre-assessment, were unable to demonstrate their more advanced writing on the rubric. The more advanced writers did not receive credit for: ●Interesting beginnings ●5 or more complete or sequenced sentences ●More than one transition words ●Phrases and words that show rather than tell

17 Impact of Study ●1st grade Standards Alignment Document ○ SC9tHFKJ1d-66LYfOJqVlybWu3Lbc/edit#gid=0 SC9tHFKJ1d-66LYfOJqVlybWu3Lbc/edit#gid=0 * District Writing Team ●Six writing program publishers presented to team ●2015-2016 writing pilot ●Standards Alignment Document for K-5????

18 Book Browse! Kindergarten 1.How Writers Work 2.Personal Narrative First Grade 1.Personal Narrative 2.Nonfiction - Informational/Explanatory Second Grade 1.Folktales, Fables and Fairy Tales 2.Opinion/Argument

19 Book Browse! 3rd Grade 1.Nonfiction - Informational/Explanatory 2.Featured Article with Editorial 3.Grammar 4th Grade 1.Opinion/Argument 5th Grade 1.Opinion/Argument

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