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Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band Gianfranco Brunetti INAF - IRA, Bologna.

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Presentation on theme: "Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band Gianfranco Brunetti INAF - IRA, Bologna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band Gianfranco Brunetti INAF - IRA, Bologna

2 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band INAF – IRA INAF – IASF, Bologna INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari Dip. di Astronomia, Universita’ di Bologna C.I.R.A.N.O. C.O.R.I.S.T.A.

3 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band First 6 months of the study: - Critical evaluation of real steps - Identification of the most relevant science - First Feasibility study - Definition of priorities - Science Document (main draft) Ongoing & Immediate Future: - Collaboration with technical groups - Advice & Contribution from additional Experts - Science Document (final)

4 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band


6 Waves of frequency < 50-100 MHz are distorted crossing the ionosphere and this limits the maximum baseline of an interferometer and thus the angular resolution of observations (  > deg).

7 Radio astrophysics & Cosmology at low frequencies (No ionosphere, no interferences) - Large Array (Moon-Base on far side of the Moon) - Test Array... km baseline and few dipoles Cosmology (CMB) at high frequencies (From Space, Satellite.....) - Large Experiment (Moon-Base) Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band

8 Radio astrophysics & Cosmology at low frequencies (No ionosphere, no interferences) - Large Array (Moon-Base on far side of the Moon) - Test Array... km baseline and few dipoles Cosmology (CMB) at high frequencies (From Space, Satellite.....) - Large Experiment (Moon-Base) Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band Open a New window

9 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band 123123 Priorities in Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology - Low Frequency Astrophysics: 1 - 50 MHz - (MoonBase & Precursor with 100 kg size) - CMB Spectrum ( > cm) - CMB Polarisation (l > 1000)

10 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band 123123 Priorities in Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology - Low Frequency Astrophysics: 1 - 50 MHz - (MoonBase & Precursor with 100 kg size) - CMB Spectrum ( > cm) - CMB Polarisation (l > 1000) Talk by Carretti

11 Astrophysics from the Moon in the Radio Band 123123 Priorities in Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology - Low Frequency Astrophysics: 1 - 50 MHz - (MoonBase & Precursor with 100 kg size) - CMB Spectrum ( > cm) - CMB Polarisation (l > 1000) Talk by Burigana

12 Observational limits from the Moon Angular Broadening IPM ISM  ~ /D

13 Cosmology Physics of Acceleration of high energy particles in the Universe Origin and amplification of magnetic fields in the Universe Physics of Black Holes and Duty cycles Most distant and oldest radio emitting plasma in the Universe New Physics … (coherent emission, serendipity) Extragalactic Astrophysics Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology

14 History of the Universe (condensed version) Opaque Afterglow of Big Bang First objects form Formation of Earth Now Invisible LOFAR Epoch of Reionization: 50% of Hydrogen ionized em (GHz)~1.4/(1+z) Moon Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology

15 Galaxy clusters and non-thermal radiation Dolag 2006 Shocks, Turbulence & Particle Acceleration Shear-Flows & Dynamos Brunetti et al. 2004 M ≈ 10 15 M o E th ≈ 10 64 ergs

16 Galaxy clusters and non-thermal radiation Henry et al. 2004 Shocks, Turbulence & Particle Acceleration Shear-Flows & Dynamos Feretti et al. 2001

17 Magnetic fields and particle acceleration in the Universe Proving Fermi Mechanisms for particle Acceleration in turbulent Astrophysical Plasma Origin and amplification of magnetic fields in Large Scale Structures em   2 B Bruggen et al.2005

18 Catching Relic & Ghost active plasma in the Universe em   2 B Low frequencies are unique tools to detect the oldest radio plasma (steep spectra) and to catch radiation from the fossil plasma Duty cycle of nuclear activity Imaging of the oldest active plasma different phases of IGM influence Parma et al. 2007

19 Diffuse Emission from the Galaxy Magnetic field in the Galaxy Acceleration and diffusion of high energy particles in the Galaxy Mapping HII in the Galaxy Supernova Remnants in the Galaxy Physics of Micro-Quasars New Physics … (coherent emission, serendipity) Galactic Astrophysics

20 So far this is one of the best low-frequency Radio images (80-150 MHz) of our Galaxy ! A radio Array from the Moon should produce images with an angular resolution 10-100 times better even at frequencies 10 times lower ! We have no spatial information on the spectrum of our Galaxy at low radio frequencies: the spectrum comes from a superposition of several –poorly known- components ! The Moon is the unique possibility to have spatially resolved measures. Galactic Astrophysics Landecker & Wielebinski 1970 Rockstroh & Webber 1978

21 Summary



24 Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) Opaque Afterglow of Big Bang First objects form Formation of Earth Now Invisible LOFAR Moon Cosmology CMB

25 Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) Cosmology CMB Spectrum ( > cm) - (beyond COBE/FIRAS) CMB Polarisation (l > 1000) - (beyond WMAP/Planck)

26 Opaque Afterglow of Big Bang First objects form Formation of Earth Now Invisible LOFAR Moon Cosmology Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) Spatial resolution Multifrequency CMB

27 Cosmology Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) Spatial resolution Multifrequency 1 cm late Comptonization distorsion free-free distorsion Bose-Einstein like distorsion

28 Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) WMAP TT total intensity TE cross-corr total intensity & pol EE polarization (low l tail) BB (gravitational wave background) Planck TT TE ++ EE ++ BB (gravitational wave background)

29 Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz) EE free from systematic BB at l > 1000 Burigana et al. 2007

30 123123 Priorities in Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology - Low Frequency Astrophysics: 1 - 50 MHz - (MoonBase & Precursor with 100 kg size) - CMB Spectrum ( > cm) - CMB Polarisation (l > 1000) Conclusions


32 ● Observatory at 1-60 MHz on the far side of the Moon ● Dipole Array with max baseline 15-100 km ● Number of Array elements 10-300

33 Only massive and merging clusters should have RH Cassano & GB 2005; Cassano, GB, Setti, 2006


35 Observational limits from the Moon Sensitivity

36 Cosmology: obs = em /(1+z) ; em = 1.4 GHz Synchroton: em   2 B Mechanisms active at low frequencies Synchro-Self-Absorption Free-free absorption Circular Polarisation Coherent Mechanisms Why low Frequency ?? Radio Astrophysics & Cosmology

37 Waves spectra Proton spectra Ee = 0.001 Eth Ep = 0.005 Eth s=3.2 Kinetic Fully Non-linear Wave--Particle Coupling (Brunetti +al. 2004; Brunetti & Blasi 2005; Brunetti & Lazarian 2007) Electron spectra

38 Galactic Astrophysics Roger et al.1999

39 Cosmology Cosmology at high frequency (100 GHz)

40 Galaxy clusters and non-thermal radiation Clusters grow due to cluster-cluster mergers and continuous accretion of mass from the cosmic web. Mergers and mass accretion generate large scale shocks Heating of the ICM

41 Catching Relic & Ghost active plasma in the Universe em   2 B Parma et al. 2007

42 Galaxy clusters and non-thermal radiation M ≈ 10 15 M o E th ≈ 10 64 ergs

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