Positive Behaviour Support  An Overview  Making Connections 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behaviour Support  An Overview  Making Connections 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behaviour Support  An Overview  Making Connections 2015

2 Presenters Nicci Beninger, Area Counsellor, SD 38 Richmond Don Chapman, Educational Consultant

3 Rules for today! Be comfortable Ask questions as they occur to you Actively participate

4 Who is this session for? those who are very new to PBS those who have not been to any PBS sessions before those who want a review of basic principles and implementation ideas

5 Overview of this session PBS defined Essential features Implementation strategies Examples of successful schools

6 ACTIVITY *Think of how you would define discipline -  take up to one minute to write down the words that come to mind.  *Share your ideas at the table  and come to a  common definition of discipline  take no more than about 3 minutes


8 PBS Defined Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS)-Soutien au comportement positif (SCP) is a three-tiered evidence- based prevention and intervention framework designed to promote prosocial student behaviour and academic achievement by building a positive school culture.

9 Values underlie School ’ s adoption of PBS why values? how do we determine a school ’ s values? how are these values reflected in the Code of Conduct?

10 What does PBS look like? A continuum of behaviour supports in 3 tiers Four key features Expected Outcomes

11 Universal Interventions: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Targeted Interventions: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At- Risk Behaviour Intensive Individual Interventions: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behaviour CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT

12 A Day in the Life  Hsin’s parents work long hours. She doesn’t seem to have any friends, and she is wary of teachers. No adults in the school can say they really know her.  Hsin comes to school without breakfast, tries to make as little noise as possible, eats lunch alone, and makes her way through the day without any human contact. She returns home to do homework and chores alone.  What does Hsin need to be successful? Hsin

13 A Day in the Life  Eddie is a talkative, charming guy. He has regularly struggled with basic organisational skills. He is impulsive, inattentive, late, and never turns his homework in. Everyone in the school knows him by name.  Eddie tries to make it to class on time, but there are just too many people to tell what happened to him yesterday. He does his homework but forgets to turn it in. Eddie gets the “you need to get your act together” talk from at least half of his teachers every day.  What does Eddie need to be successful? Eddie

14 A Day in the Life  Kevin has been in foster care since grade 1 and now splits his nights between his foster home and the street. Kevin is a non-reader and has difficulties with peers. He has been abusing alcohol and tobacco for 3 years.  Kevin gets to school mid-morning, trying to give it another go. He is confronted at the door by the VP and spends the morning in her office. He gets into a fight in the hall, gets suspended, and takes off a few more days for good measure.  What does Kevin need to be successful? Kevin

15 A Day in the Life  Sarah is known by her teachers as a hard worker and role model for her peers. She has a few close friends and enjoys school.  Sarah comes to school early to help her last year’s teacher prepare for class. She excels in her classes. After school, she tutors some of the younger students in the school who need additional help.  What does Sarah need to be successful? Sarah

16 Hsin Eddie Kevin Sarah

17 Universal Prevention For all students (prevent challenges) The Three Tier Model Intensive Intervention For students with significant challenges Kevin Sarah Targeted Intervention For students at risk for challenges Eddie Hsin

18 Key features

19 Features safe and caring social climate based on strong student/adult connectedness – links to ERASE Evidence based practices systems and systemic practices to implement & sustain practices data collection to make decisions

20 Pre and Post Teaching: Noise Level- classes

21 Expected outcomes decreases in externalizing problem behaviour increases in on task behaviour decreases in internalizing behaviours such as anxiety & withdrawal increases in academic achievement

22 Steps to Implementation  Once the staff has had an introduction as to what PBS is, before implementation can occur, there needs to be at least 80% of the staff in favour


24 Steps to Implementation  A representative leadership team: ideally composed of classroom teachers, resource teacher, counsellor, support staff and an administrator

25 Steps to Implementation  Ideally, district support is available.  If not, if possible, seek out coaching.

26 Steps to Implementation  Start with Tier 1 – a matrix.  For the tiered response to be successful, there must be a strong Tier 1 in place or both Tier 2 and Tier 3 will appear too big to handle and many of the wrong students will be identified.

27 Tier 1 Implementation  Start with values. What values/attitudes do you want all members of your school community to be able to demonstrate?




31 Method of Tier 1 Implementation  1. Direct instruction.  2. Meaningful reinforcement.  3. Meaningful instructional correction.

32 Direct Instruction  For elementary/middle school students, the best way to demonstrate expected behaviours is to take students to the setting being discussed.  This is not always practical for secondary settings.  Provide practice time.  Use teachable moments.  Front end load instruction ( pre correction) for those needing extra support – it’s good for everyone






38 Meaningful Reinforcement  For a classroom environment to “feel” positive for students, they need to perceive at least 4 positive interactions for every correction they hear.  Reinforcement must accurately describe the behaviour being “rewarded.” It can also include why that behaviour is valued.

39 Activity  At your table, discuss “which students need to be reinforced?”


41 Instructional Corrections  What do they sound like?

42 And then……  Teams must meet at least once a month.  The team should have a standing item at staff meetings.  Use data to make decisions and report data to staff…..

43 School Culture

44 Questions?????  Contact information:  Don Chapman: djs889100@gmail.comdjs889100@gmail.com  Nicci Beninger: nbeninger@sd38.bc.canbeninger@sd38.bc.ca

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