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15-April-10 Johan van der Valk Sub sample of persons in Labour Force household Survey Just an idea.

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Presentation on theme: "15-April-10 Johan van der Valk Sub sample of persons in Labour Force household Survey Just an idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 15-April-10 Johan van der Valk Sub sample of persons in Labour Force household Survey Just an idea

2 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey

3 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Contents: proxy answering in households and samples of persons 1.Introduction 2.Problems with proxy answering 3.Idea to solve problem … 4.… providing new opportunities

4 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Introduction: proxy answering Proxy answering: someone else in household answering questions Proxy answering is allowed in LFS Resulting sample consists of –persons with self answered questions –persons with answers by proxy

5 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Proxy answering problematic Proxy answers considered of less quality Sub sample of proxy answers is selective Effect of proxy answers cannot be assessed –Difference of results can be consequence of Other quality answers Selectivity sub sample Limiting questions to non-proxy answering persons is no option in case of ad hoc modules

6 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Not allowing proxy answering … is no option, because: –Efficient for data collection –Reduces response burden –Effect on quality LFS data seems limited

7 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Solve problems with proxy answers Restrict proxy answering Select key person in household for which proxy is not allowed Sample of key persons should be representative The key person remains the same in all waves

8 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Sub sample key persons assessing effect proxy LFS sample Proxy Not proxy Key persons

9 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Sub sample key persons assessing effect proxy LFS sample Proxy Not proxy Key persons

10 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Sub sample key persons: problem? Selecting key persons –Original sampling of persons but interview household –Selecting key person during interview First anniversary Weighting for household size

11 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Sub sample key persons: disadvantage? Extra fieldwork costs: limited –Only a significant problem F2F data collection mode –Only relevant first wave –Just one extra visit necessary –Extra interview could be carried out by telephone

12 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Sub sample key persons: opportunities Could be used for transition estimates Could be used for special variables –Subjective information –Ad hoc modules Could even be used for special follow-up surveys

13 15-April-10Sub sample persons in Labour Force household Survey Thank you for your attention

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