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CS4402 – Parallel Computing

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1 CS4402 – Parallel Computing
Lecture 9 – Sorting Algorithms (2) Compare and Exchange Operation Compare and Exchange Sorting




5 Compare and Exchange Operation
Take place between processors rank1, rank2. Each processor keeps the sub-array a=(a[i],i=0,1,…,n). if(rank is rank1){ MPI_Send(&a,n,MPI_INT,rank2, tag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(&b,n,MPI_INT,rank2, tag2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); c = merge(n,a,n,b); for(i=0;i<n;i++)a[i]=c[i]; } if(rank is rank2){ MPI_Send(&a,n,MPI_INT,rank2, tag2,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(&b,n,MPI_INT,rank2, tag1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); for(i=0;i<n;i++)a[i]=c[i+n]; }

6 Compare and Exchange Operation
Complexity? What amount of computation is being used? What amount of communication takes place? CAN YOU FIND ARGUMENTS TO PROVE THAT THIS IS OPTIMAL OR EFFICIENT?

7 Compare and Exchange Algorithms
Step 1. The array is scattered onto p sub-arrays. Step 2. Processor rank sorts a sub-array. At any time the processors keep the sub-arrays sorted. Step 3. While is not sorted / is needed compare and exchange between some processors Step 4. Gather of arrays to restore a sorted array.

8 Bubble Sort

9 Bubble Sort

10 Bubble Sort




14 Odd-Even Sort 1. Scatter the array onto processors.
2. Sort each sub-array aa. 3. Repeat for step=0,1,2,…, p-1 if (step is odd){ if(rank is odd)exchange(aa,n/size,rank, rank+1); if(rank is even) exchange(aa,n/size,rank-1, rank); } if (step is even){ if(rank is even)exchange(aa,n/size,rank, rank+1); if(rank is odd) exchange(aa,n/size,rank-1, rank); 4. Gather the sub-arrays back to root.

15 Odd-Even Sort Simple Remarks:
Odd-Even Sort uses size rounds of exchange. Odd-Even Sort keeps all processors busy … or almost all. The complexity is given by Scatter and Gather the array  n/size elements Sorting the array  n/size elements Compare and Exchange process  size rounds involving n/size elements

16 if( rank == 0 ) { array = (double *) calloc( n, sizeof(double) ); srand( ((unsigned)time(NULL)+rank) ); for( x = 0; x < n; x++ ) array[x]=((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)*m; } MPI_Scatter( array, n/size, MPI_DOUBLE, a, n/size, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); merge_sort(n/size,a); for(i=0;i<size;i++){ if( (i+rank)%2 ==0 ){ if( rank < size-1 ) exchange(n/size,a,rank,rank+1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else if( rank > 0 ) exchange(n/size,a,rank-1,rank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) MPI_Gather( a, n/size, MPI_DOUBLE, array, n/size, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); for( x = 0; x < n; x++ ) printf( "Output : %f\n", array[x] );

17 Comments on Odd-Even Features of the algorithm:
- Simple and quite efficient. - In p steps of compare and exchange the array is sorted out - Why??? - The number of steps can be reduced if test “array sorted” but still in O(p). - C&E operations only between neighbors. Can we do C&E operations between other processors?

18 Odd-Even Sort Complexity
Stage 0. To sort out the scattered array  Stage 1. Odd-Even for p levels  Scatter and Gather  Total computation complexity 

19 isSorted(n, a, comm) The parallel routine int isSorted(int n, double *a, MPI_Comm comm) Test if the processors have all the local arrays in order. rank1 < rank2  elements of rank1 < rank2. If the answer if yes then no exchange is needed. How to do it? The test is done at the root. The test is done collectively by all processors.

20 isSorted(n,a,comm) – Strategy 1
The test is done collectively by all processors Send last to the right processor Receive last from the left processor Test if last > a[0] then answer = 0 All_Reduce answer by using MIN

21 isSorted(n,a,comm) – Strategy 2
The test is done at the root. Gather the first elements to the root. Gather the last elements to the root. If rank == 0 then For size-1 times do - test if last[i] > first[i+1] Broadcast the answer

22 Shell Sort It is based on the notion of “shell/group” of consecutive processors. - C&E take place between equally extreme procs. - The shell is then divided into 2. ( )  #(shell)=p ( ) ( )  #(shell)=p/2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )  #(shell)=p/4 (0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (6 7) (8 9) (10 11) (12 13) (14 15)  #(shell)=p/8 - There are log(p) levels of division. For the level l we have - there are pow(2,l) shells each of size p/pow(2,l). - The shell k contains the processors

23 Shell Sort Shell Sort is based on two stages:
Stage 1. Divide the shells for l=0,1,2, log(p) - exchange in parallel between extreme processors in each shell. Stage 2. Odd-Even for l=0,1,2, …,p - if rank and l are both even then exchange in parallel betw rank and rank+1 - if rank and l are both odd then exchange in parallel betw rank and rank+1 - test “array sorted”

24 Shell Sort Complexity Stage 0. To sort out the scattered array 
Stage 1. Odd-Even for l levels  Catch  the average complexity of l is in this case O(log^2(p)) so that in average the shell can be Scatter and Gather  Total computation complexity 

25 Complexity Comparison for Parallel Sorting
Odd-Even Sort  Shell Sort Merge Sort 

26 Assignment Description: Write a MPI program to sort out an array:
Use a MPI method to compare and exchange Use a MPI method to test isSorted() Use the odd-even sort. Evaluate the performances of the program in a readme.doc General Points: It is for 10% of the marks. Deadline on Monday 2/12/2013 at 5 pm. The following elements must be submitted by to The c program name with your name and student number e.g. SabinTabirca_ c. The Makefile file Readme.doc in which you have 1) to give your student details and 2) to state the performances.

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