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Microsoft® Excel 2013. 2 Create an Excel table. 1 Work with the Table Tools Design tab. 2 Sort and filter records in a table. 3 Identify structured references.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft® Excel 2013. 2 Create an Excel table. 1 Work with the Table Tools Design tab. 2 Sort and filter records in a table. 3 Identify structured references."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft® Excel 2013

2 2 Create an Excel table. 1 Work with the Table Tools Design tab. 2 Sort and filter records in a table. 3 Identify structured references. 4 Use COUNTIFS and SUMIFS. 5 Create a calculated column in a table. 6 Set print areas and custom views. 7

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4  Excel is NOT a relational database manager like Access, but does provide commands to arrange, display, group and perform calculations on list-style data  An Excel Table is a list of related information with a row of headers (titles) followed by rows of data.

5  Data that can be formatted as a table are keyed in columns and rows  A table includes a header row with descriptive labels or titles followed by rows of data  A worksheet can have multiple tables 5

6  A row of data is referred to as a record  Records = rows  A field is a single category of information; each column in a table is a field  Fields = columns  An individual piece of data in a column is a field value 6

7 Each column is a table field. Each column label is a field name. Each row is a record.

8 To prepare data for formatting as an Excel table, follow these guidelines:  Key field names or descriptive labels in the first row. This is known as the header row.  Start field names with a letter.  Do NOT repeat field names in the header row.  Do NOT mix data types in a column. Do NOT enter values and text in the same column.  Do NOT leave blank rows within the data.

9  Select the cells and click the Format as Table Button in the Styles group on the Home command tab.  Choose a style for the table from the Table Styles Gallery.  Verify the cell range and that the table has headers.

10 This context-sensitive command tab opens when an Excel table is selected. You can choose a style, remove duplicates, resize the table, name it, and more.

11  F8 + Arrow Keys (Up, Down, Left or Right Arrow keys) to select text  Ctrl + ; (semicolon) – To add the Current Date  Ctrl + ’ (apostrophe) – To copy data from the cell directly above 11

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13 Use one of these methods to ADD a record to an Excel table:  Click the last cell and press [Tab]. A blank record is ready for your entry.  Drag the resizing handle at the lower-right corner of a table.  Use the Resize button on the Table Tools Design tab.

14 Duplicate rows have the same information in one or more columns. You can remove duplicates.

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16  A major reason to format your data as a table is the ability to manage rows of data  Two ways to manage your data are:  sorting and filtering

17  Sort Commands allow you to order or display your records in a particular way  Records in a table can be sorted in ascending or descending order  Ascending order arranges rows in A-to Z order or lowest to highest  Descending order arranges rows in Z-to-A or highest to lowest 17

18 Multiple level sorts are set from the Sort dialog box. You can use up to 64 sorting levels.

19  A filter is a criterion  A filter hides rows that do NOT match the condition (criterion)  A filter allows you to keep a large list but show only those records needed for a particular task

20 Available filters depend on the data type. These are date filters.

21 Custom filters allow you to choose operators and criteria

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23  A structured reference is a defined name that refers to an identifiable range in an Excel table  Structured references include all of the header row labels  Structured reference names appear in Formula AutoComplete after their trigger character is keyed

24  The Total Row appears as the last row when you toggle it on  When totals are shown in an Excel table, the SUBTOTAL function uses a structured reference

25  A trigger is a key that starts some action  The display trigger to see structured references in Formula AutoComplete is a left square bracket [

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27 COUNTIFS, in the Statistical function category, counts cells based on more than one criteria

28 SUMIFS is in the Math & Trig function category. It sums fields using multiple criteria.

29  The TEXT function displays a value as a label  The value can be formatted like a label and is NOT used in calculations

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31 A calculated column in an Excel table has a formula. Table AutoExpansion extends a formula down the entire column when it is entered in the first row.

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33  A print area is the range of cells to be printed  The default print area is the entire worksheet  You can set a range of cells as a print area and save it

34 It is possible to select data on the worksheet and use the Settings command in Backstage view to print only that SELECTION

35 An Excel table can be converted to a simple range of cells. The Convert to Range button is in the Tools group on the Table Tools Design tab. There are some commands, such as Custom Views, that do NOT work in worksheets with tables.

36  A custom view is a set of print and display settings  A custom view can include column widths, gridline settings, window size and position, and more  Custom views can be named and saved  One view can be shown at a time

37  An Excel table is a list of data with a row of labels as titles, followed by any number of rows of data.  A table has a single header row. Each column is a field; each row is a record.  When an Excel table is selected, the Table Tools Design command tab is available.

38  An Excel table is created from the Format as Table command in the Styles group on the Home tab.  Table styles include light, medium, and dark color schemes.  Table style options include a header row, banded rows or columns, a total row, and emphasized first and last columns.

39  A table is automatically named, but you can assign a more descriptive name.  Excel creates structured references as names for the parts of a table.  Table AutoExpansion aids in adding rows or columns to an Excel table.  The Remove Duplicates command searches for and deletes data rows that are duplicates based on the fields that you specify.

40  You can sort rows in an Excel table by single or multiple columns.  Sorting can be ascending or descending.  A filter displays only specified rows from a table.  Filter arrow lists are quick ways to choose which records should be shown.

41  A calculated column in an Excel table includes a formula.  COUNTIFS and SUMIFS are functions that count and sum ranges based on multiple criteria. They are useful in large sets of data.  The TEXT function displays a value (or date) as text. The value is not used in calculations and can be formatted with text attributes.

42  You can set and save a print area that is different from the entire worksheet.  A print selection is not saved. If you choose more than one selection, each prints on a separate page.  A custom view is a set of display and print choices for a workbook.  You can name and save custom views with a workbook.

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