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Three Goals This Week: 1. Get to know each other better. 2. Fall in love with Jesus and have real life. 3. Develop better skills to read and understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Three Goals This Week: 1. Get to know each other better. 2. Fall in love with Jesus and have real life. 3. Develop better skills to read and understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Goals This Week: 1. Get to know each other better. 2. Fall in love with Jesus and have real life. 3. Develop better skills to read and understand the Bible

2 Last Weeks Homework – John 3:22-36 What does Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus have in common with John the Baptists conversation with his followers?

3 Both involve very religious people who clueless about Jesus as their Savior Jesus teaches Nicodemus that he must be “Born from above” (v.3) John teaches his disciples that Jesus is the “One who comes from above” (v. 31)

4 Both contain an invitation and a warning. (v. 18, 36) Both stories are left unfinished.

5 The Context Of John 4: Nicodemus comes to Jesus at Night Jesus comes to a Samaritan woman at Noon Nicodemus and this woman are opposites in every way, Except one.

6 Big Question: Will this woman stay in the light or will she run back to the darkness?

7 Read John 4:1-20 and 39-42 with your partner and notice… How does Jesus help this woman see Him for who He really is?

8 Jesus appeals to her kindness. “Will you give me a drink of water?” Jesus engages her curiosity in an area that connects with her perceived need. (water) He exposes her true thirst. (husbands)

9 He refocuses her attention on Him and not on religious debate. (worship) He clearly reveals himself to her and gives her the dignity of choice.

10 Notice how the woman and the story mature in their perception of Jesus?

11 Jesus Jew Sir (Lord) Prophet Messiah Christ I Am Savior of the world

12 Bringing this together: Look back at John 3:33

13 How does Jesus help (His disciples/the Samaritan village/ Roman official) see Him for who He really is?

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