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1 PARENT INFORMATION 2015-16 RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PARENT INFORMATION 2015-16 RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PARENT INFORMATION 2015-16 RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines

2 2 Understanding your child’s grades.

3 Grades are a snapshot of student progress. They are a tool for: Communication Providing feedback Reflecting knowledge Indicating progress Guiding instructional decisions

4 Academic Grades include both Formative Summative Assessment

5 Grade Calculations FORMATIVE 9 per nine- weeks 50% of term average* SUMMATIVE 3 per nine- weeks 50% of term average*

6 Grade Calculations *6 th Gr Pre-Advanced Placement Math (follows secondary calculations) Formative (30%) Summative (70%)

7 Purpose: Students who score below 85 have opportunity for RETEACH & REASSESSMENT to master the concept/skill. o Teacher and student develop a plan for opportunity to learn missed concept(s) and show mastery o Up to three formative (below 85) per subject, per term o All summative (below 85)-one time each w/in 5 days 7 Re-Do/Re-Test

8 Not eligible: o Semester exams o Academic dishonesty/plagiarism Academic dishonesty/plagiarism o Receive a zero o Opportunity for alternative assignment to be added into the grade but not replace the zero o Disciplinary action 8 Re-Do/Re-Test

9 Re-do/Re-test Plan Plan of Action Student & Teacher develop plan & timeline Learning opportunity (reteach) prior to reassessment Reassessment in variety of ways Replaces grade – up to 85

10 Other Make-up Work Due to absence** Student’s responsibility Time: equal to the # of days absent **Assignments previously given, in which students have knowledge & instruction, are due upon return to school with campus discretion. Late Work Will be accepted following day May have a 10 point deduction

11 Kindergarten Report cards in Skyward each 9 weeks Progress reports @ midpoint of grading period (separate document sent home) Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies– progress will be reported with performance indicators in reference to standards Specials (Art, Music, P.E.) & Behavior– will be reported with letters E, S, N, U (Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory)

12 First Grade Report cards in Skyward each 9 weeks Progress reports in Skyward @ midpoint of grading period Reading, Language Arts, Math–will be reported with number grades Science, Social Studies, Specials (Art, Music, P.E.) & Behavior– will be reported with letters E, S, N, U ( Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory)

13 Communication Family Access - Electronic Gradebook (Skyward) online App Teachers enter grades at least weekly Progress reports available at approximately the midpoint of each grading period Report cards issued each 9 weeks Teacher webpages Stay in contact with your child’s teacher

14 14 Questions?

15 15 PARENT INFORMATION 2015-16 RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines

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