A Thermal Quench Induces Spatial Inhomogeneities in a Holographic Superconductor Hai-Qing Zhang (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa) INI, Cambridge, 17/09/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A Thermal Quench Induces Spatial Inhomogeneities in a Holographic Superconductor Hai-Qing Zhang (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa) INI, Cambridge, 17/09/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Thermal Quench Induces Spatial Inhomogeneities in a Holographic Superconductor Hai-Qing Zhang (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa) INI, Cambridge, 17/09/2013 Coauthor: Antonio M. García-García & Hua-Bi Zeng, arXiv:1308.5398

2 Static homogeneous holographic superconductor (HSC) Dynamical homogeneous HSC Static inhomogeneous HSC 2 Introduction

3 Static homogeneous HSC: Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar action with negative cosmological constant T>T c (or μ< μ c, since T~1/ μ): ψ=0; T<T c : two available solutions ψ=0  ψ≠0 3 Hartnoll, Herzog, & Horowtiz, Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 (2008) 031601 free energy superconducting solution Gubser, Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 065034

4 Dynamical homogeneous HSC after a quench: T<T c, RN-AdS static hairy black hole; normal phase superconducting phase 4 Gaussian quench Murata, Kinoshita & Tanahashi, JHEP 1007 (2010) 050

5 5 Bhaseen, Gauntlett, Simons, Sonner & Wiseman, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 015301 three kinds of decays are found, consistent with QNMs

6 AdS soliton background, undamped oscillation modes are found; lack of thermalization in CFT 6 Gao, Garcia-Garcia, Zeng & Zhang: arXiv:1212.1049

7 CMT: lack of thermalization comes from integrability. Question: what is the relation between a gravity without horizon and the integrable field theory on boundary? 7 Polkovnikov, Sengupta, Silva, Vengalattore, Rev.Mod.Phys. 83 (2011) 863

8 Static inhomogeneous HSC: Einstein- Maxwell-scalar action, modulated chemical potential, striped superconductor, explicitly break translational symmetry, free energy is lower than the homogeneous case 8 Flauger, Pajer & Papanikolaou, Phys.Rev. D83 (2011) 064009

9 Einstein-Maxwell-axion action, spontaneously break the translational symmetry, striped order parameter 9 Rozali, Smyth, Sorkin & Stang, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110, (2013) 201603 Donos & Gauntlett, JHEP 1108, 140 (2011)

10 10 Liu, Ooguri, Stoica & Yunes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013) 211601 Chern-Simons term, spontaneously generate angular momentum

11 Other references: dynamical studies : inhomogeneous studies: 11 S. Nakamura, H. Ooguri and C. -S. Park, Phys. Rev. D 81, 044018 (2010) G. T. Horowitz, J. E. Santos and D. Tong, JHEP 1211, 102 (2012) P. Basu, D. Das, S. Das and T. Nishioka, arXiv:1211.7076 P. Bizon, and A. Rostworowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 031102 (2011) O. Dias, G. Horowitz, D. Marolf and J. Santos, Class. Quant. Grav. 29, 235019 (2012) S. Bhattacharyya, and S. Minwalla, JHEP 0909:034, (2009) … … I. Amado, M. Kaminski & K. Landsteiner, JHEP, 0905021 (2009)

12 Motivation to Dynamical Inhomogeneous HSC Kibble-Zurek mechanisms: topological defects generated from a sudden quench 12 Zurek, Nature 317, 505 (1985) Zel’dovich, Kobzarev & Okun, Zh. eksp. teor. Fiz. 67, 3 (1974); Soviet Phys. JETP 67, 401 (1975) Kibble, J. Phys. A 9, 1387 (1976)

13 system size larger than superconducting coherence length, quench can excite finite momentum states, results in spatial inhomogeneities 13 Dzero, Yuzbashyan & Altshuler, Eur. Phys. Lett. 85 (2009) 20004

14 From holography: axion fields, spontaneously break the translational symmetry. angular momentum generation from Chern- Simons terms. How about a quench depending on time? 14 Rozali, Smyth, Sorkin & Stang, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110, (2013) 201603 Donos & Gauntlett, JHEP 1108, 140 (2011) Liu, Ooguri, Stoica & Yunes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013) 211601

15 Dynamical inhomogeneous HSC Einstein-Maxwell-complex scalar action: in which AdS-Schwarzschild black hole: with 15

16 Fields depend on t,r & x. Ansatz: 4 independent EoMs, 1 constraint equation Boundary conditions: At horizon: Mt(t, x)| rh =0; Other fields are finite 16

17 For m^2=-2, expansions near boundary: -charge density; -chemical potential; source ; order parameter - superfluid velocity; supercurrent 17

18 Thermal quench, since T~1/ , it is equal to quench chemical potential. Quench A:  i =4.5,  f =4.8, corresponding to T i =0.903T c, T f =0.846T c since for homogeneous case  c =4.063 (m^2=-2) 18 Hartnoll, Herzog, & Horowtiz, Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 (2008) 031601

19 19 chemical potentialexpectation value

20 20 Physical meaning: quench will excite finite momentum oscillations in time inhomogeneous order parameter t=0 t=1.2 t=9.7 t=30

21 Quench B:  i =5.5,  f =5.8, corresponding to T i =0.738 T c, T f =0.700 T c. 21 chemical potentialexpectation value

22 Free energy, grand canonical ensemble, F=-TS os where z=1/r, h=1-z^3 22

23 at late times 23 quench A quench B

24 Summaries Developments in HSC: static homogeneous, dynamical homogeneous, static inhomogeneous. Motivation: spontaneous symmetry breaking Dynamical inhomogeneous HSC, a quench induces translational symmetry breaking 24

25 25 Thanks for your attention!

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