Reviewing WHERE "There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing WHERE "There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing WHERE "There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832

2 Our Shared Understandings and Attitudes McWilliams, 2005 The teacher’s job is to “uncover” the big ideas contained in content standards and to ensure they are understood, not to provide merely fun activities or cover a textbook or cover a textbook’s content. The job of the teacher requires “thinking like an assessor” - doing research into one’s practice, and adjusting practice and designs in light of sought-after results/feedback.

3 How It All Fits Together McWilliams, 2005

4 Some Lessons Learned About Stage 3 Protecting your favorite activities? Including FUN activities? Be aware of TIME and pacing Scaffold toward the Performance Task and other assessments Unit Planning vs. Lesson Planning McWilliams, 2005

5 Reviewing the W-H-E-R-E TO Template McWilliams, 2005 W Where are we going? Why? What is expected? H How will we hook and hold student interest? E How will we equip students for expected performances? R How will we help students rethink and revise? E How will students self-evaluate/reflect on their learning? T How can we tailor instruction to address individual needs? O How should instruction be organized to enhance learning?

6 W - Where We are Going? Why? And What? Students are likely to focus and put forth more effort if they know: –Where they are going –Why they are doing it –What is expected of them This is a good time to assess students’ prior knowledge and experiences Also good to diagnose misconceptions early on Emphasize EU, EQ, and Knowledge and Skills McWilliams, 2005 W

7 H - Hooking the Students Hook should connect to EU, EQ, and Performance Task Should not just HOOK, but should also HOLD Use of humor and/or emotional connections can be powerful Student choice? Obvious winners: Challenges, problems, mysteries, etc. McWilliams, 2005 H

8 E - Equipping the Students This is where you get to “teach” the students “new stuff” Use BEST PRACTICE Use VARIETY Try experiential, inquiry, and or inductive learning strategies Identify what HOMEWORK means in your class - How will you use it to aid with instruction? McWilliams, 2005 E

9 R - Rethinking, Revising, and Refining … Use regular self-assessments Use journals/learning logs Reconsider key points Practice sessions Look at new info from different perspectives Have students defend, argue, and debate newly learned information McWilliams, 2005 R

10 E - Ongoing Reflection and Self-Evaluation Don’t forget to re-teach after assessing This step is strongly connected to the R Try asking students to grade themselves and defend their rationale Assessments should be used to guide new instruction McWilliams, 2005 E

11 T - Tailoring Instruction Incorporate a feedback process where student knowledge, strengths and needs are determined Use that data to custom tailor learning experiences; avoid a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach Accommodate each student’s strengths as well as their needs and learning gaps McWilliams, 2005, ed Dwyer 2007 T

12 O - Organizing Instruction Organize learning experiences to maximize engagement and effectiveness Help students move along the development continuum; from novice to apprentice to master Plan instruction to move to true understanding McWilliams, 2005 O

13 The Key to Success! McWilliams, 2005 “We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.” - Galileo Galilei 16th century Italian scientist

14 Have a Great Journey! Enjoy learning! McWilliams, 2005

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