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Cell Division: Mitosis Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Cell theory –All cells come from pre-existing cells –Cells are the basic unit of organization.

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2 Cell Division: Mitosis

3 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Cell theory –All cells come from pre-existing cells –Cells are the basic unit of organization of organisms. –All living things are made of cells.

4 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Cell Division The process when 2 cells are produced from one cell Begins with one parent cell Results in 2 daughter cells identical to the parent cell

5 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Chromosomes--carriers of the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells.

6 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 The structure of eukaryotic chromosomes Centromere Chromosome Sister chromatids Supercoil within chromosome Continued coiling within supercoil Histone H1 Nucleosome DNA

7 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Interphase Cell cycle—sequence of growth and division of a cell, divided into 3 main periods –Interphase –Mitosis –Cytokinesis Mitosis Cytokinesis

8 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Interphase—Cell grows in size, carries on metabolism, makes DNA, and prepares for division DNA synthesis and replication Centrioles replicate; cell prepares for division Rapid growth and metabolic activity Interphase

9 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Mitosis—Process of cell division where 2 identical daughter cells are formed Mitosis Mitosis is divided into 4 phases—prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

10 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Prophase: longest phase of mitosis Chromatin--coils into visible chromosomes Sister chromatids— doubled strands of DNA held together by a centromere Spindle fibers Disappearing nuclear envelope Doubled chromosome

11 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Prophase Nuclear envelope— begins to disappear and nucleolus disintegrates Centrioles—are in opposite ends of the cell Spindle Fibers are formed Spindle fibers Disappearing nuclear envelope Doubled chromosome

12 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Sister Chromatids Sister chromatids Centromere

13 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Metaphase: shortest phase Doubled chromosomes are lined up along the equator (middle) of the cell Centromere Sister chromatids

14 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Anaphase Chromosomes are pulled apart at the centromere and separated

15 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Telophase Chromatids are in different sides of the cell Chromatids unwind Nuclear envelope and nucleolus reappear Cell membrane begins to split cell in 2 Nuclear envelope reappears Two daughter cells are formed

16 Section 8.2 Summary – pages 201 - 210 Cytokinesis— process where the cell’s cytoplasm divides between 2 new cells –In animal cells—2 cells are separated by membrane “pinching in” between them –In plant cells—2 cells are separated by a cell plate that forms in between them


18 Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

19 Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

20 IPMAT I Picked My Apples Today Idiot, Pass Me Another Taco I Propose All Men Are Toads

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