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What are the stages of the cell cycle?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the stages of the cell cycle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the stages of the cell cycle?
Bell Ringer (5) What are the stages of the cell cycle?

2 Bell Ringer Put these pictures of mitosis in the correct order.
Sketch them. Label each phase.

3 Mitosis Foldable Materials: 3 pieces of white paper
Stagger the pages about 1 inch apart. Fold the pages “hamburger style” to make 6 flaps. Label the flaps as follows: (1) The Cell Cycle & Mitosis (2) Interphase (3) Prophase (4) Metaphase (5) Anaphase (6) Telophase & Cytokinesis On the back, draw the cell cycle.

4 G2 phase S phase G1 phase M phase

5 The Cell Cycle Interphase (period in-between division)
G1 (growth) S (DNA replication) G2 (prepare for mitosis) M phase (division) Mitosis (division of the nucleus) Cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) Most of the time the cell is in interphase!!!

6 Interphase G1 (growth) S (DNA replication) G2 (prepare for mitosis)

7 Mitosis & Cytokinesis! CLA

8 Mitosis Facts mitotic cell division mitotic cell division (a) (b) (c) Multicellular organisms grow, maintain and repair cells by mitosis. CLA

9 Replication CLA

10 DNA Doubles CLA

11 Mitosis Mitosis is the division of the nucleus.
There are 4 stages of mitosis: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

12 Terms Centriole Centromere Spindle Chromosome (sister chromatids) CLA

13 Prophase The nucleolus disappears.
In this stage everything sets up for mitosis. It is the first and longest stage of mitosis. The nucleolus disappears. The chromatin condenses into chromosomes. The centrioles separate and form a spindle of microtubules. The nuclear membrane breaks down.

14 Prophase

15 centromeres sister chromatids CLA

16 Metaphase Metaphase is the 2nd phase of mitosis.
The spindle attaches to the centromere of the chromosomes. The chromosomes line up on the spindle in the MIDDLE of the cell. Metaphase may last only a few minutes.

17 Metaphase

18 Anaphase Anaphase is the 3rd phase of mitosis.
In this phase the chromosomes are pulled APART at the centromere. Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite ends of the cell. Anaphase begins as soon as the chromosomes begin separating and ends as soon as the chromosomes stop moving.

19 Anaphase

20 Telophase This is the last phase of mitosis.
Chromosomes disperse and tangle back into chromatin. 2 nuclear envelopes form around the chromatin. The spindle breaks down. The nucleolus becomes visible.

21 Telophase

22 Cytokinesis Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm.
It usually occurs at the same time as telophase. The cytoplasm can be divided 2 ways: Animal cells pinch off into 2 cells. Plant cells form a cell plate (which is the beginning of the cell wall)

23 Cytokinesis in Animal Cells

24 Cytokinesis in Plant Cells

25 The final product of mitosis and cytokinesis is:
2 genetically identical daughter cells


27 Mitosis - can you name the stages?


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