Regional specific aspects WS 2 : Central Asia Boris Iarochevitch - EuropeAid.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional specific aspects WS 2 : Central Asia Boris Iarochevitch - EuropeAid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional specific aspects WS 2 : Central Asia Boris Iarochevitch - EuropeAid

2 2 The EU Strategy for Central Asia  Closer relations with Europe  Education Exchange, Science and People-to-People Activities  Reform and upgrade higher and technical education scheme  The future external cooperation mobility programme

3 3 EU funded programmes Tempus aims at upgrading higher education institutions and promoting regional and multilateral networking between higher education institutions in the Europe and countries of Central Asia Erasmus Mundus provides scholarships for students and scholars worldwide

4 4 EMECW Expected results  To develop higher education teaching and learning capacities in areas closely linked to countries' development priorities  To enhance role for the higher education sector in sustainable development in line with the Millennium Development Goals  To create a pool of well-qualified and internationally experienced professionals, capable of responding to the challenges of sustainable and equitable development within their home country  To provide access to higher education to good students from vulnerable group

5 5 Topics for discussion  Implication of EU Delegations and liaison offices in the monitoring and promotion of the programme  Country needs  Integration of University in society  Expected output and impact of the mobility and its multipliers effect  Sustainability

6 6 Conclusions Increase involvement of EC Delegations and in-country EU offices to promote the programme and results Reinforce dialogue with Ministry of Education and line ministries, especially at the identification phase Involve vulnerable groups in the programme Go beyond mobility to ensure long term sustainability (joint research and institutional cooperation)

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