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CHC2D/P Gr. 10 History Exam Review 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CHC2D/P Gr. 10 History Exam Review 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHC2D/P Gr. 10 History Exam Review 2013

2 Exam Format June 17, 1:00pm 1.5 hours in length
Bring a pen AND a pencil No aids are permitted The exam will consist of multiple choice, significant people and terms, historical identification and significance, a short answer Q and a long answer Q

3 Prime Ministers Who are the Prime Ministers of Canada during each decade? Look at the back of your hand out 

4 WWI What event sparked the Great War? Causes of WWI (MAIN)
Canada declares war! Date... Britain... voluntary enlistments... Describe the four main battles for the Canadians in WWI (Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele) Life in the trenches Conscription Crisis (Quebec: Farmers, English Training, lack of allegiance to Britain)

5 WWI Valcartier Training camp Schliefen Plan
Describe the homefront during the First World War How did Women’s roles change? What are victory bonds? War time propaganda posters


7 WWI ends… The Treaty of Versailles League of Nations
Soldiers return home ( ) Winnipeg General Strike (1919)

8 1920s Changing role of women the person’s case suffragettes
Did the 1920s roar for everyone? Discrimination & Regionalism (prairies and east coast) The Economic roller coaster, 1929 stock market crash Residential Schools for Aboriginals

9 1930s The causes of the Great Depression Letters to RB Bennett
Government assistance for poor Canadians (The New Deal)

10 WWII Fascism, Communism and Democracy Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin
Causes of the Second World War Axis Powers, Allied Powers

11 Battles and Operations
Battle of Britain Netherlands Italian Campaign Atlantic Ocean Dieppe Hong Kong Dunkirk D-Day

12 WWII USA enters the War Pearl Harbor
Discovery of Concentration Camps; list all those who were persecuted; The Holocaust VE Day VJ Day

13 WWII Treatment of Minorities: Japanese Internment camps
Treatment of Jewish refugees: St. Louis Women’s roles Aboriginals in the military Uranium and disruption of First Nations communities Canada’s corvettes and supply ships

14 Outcomes of WWII United Nations, Canada as a middle power
European Reconstruction, Canada’s financial contribution to the Marshall Plan The New Europe Map UN Declaration of Human Rights Cold War: NATO, Warsaw Iron Curtain


16 Post War Canada Immigration: 1st Wave & 2nd Wave
Newfoundland joins Canada, Joey Smallwood The Great Darkness and the Quiet Revolution in Quebec Social Security and Safety Net NORAD & DEW Line

17 1950s & 1960s Louis St. Laurent John Diefenbaker Lester B. Pearson
Baby Boom Suburbia Youth Generation/Counter Culture Massey Commission/Vincent Massey Africville Canadian Bill of Rights Social Safety Net Medicare Korean War/Peacekeeping Suez Canal Crisis Cuban Missile Crisis Avro Arrow Trans-Canada Pipeline/Seaway/Highway Treatment of Minorities in the 50s/60s Flag (Women, Chinese, Black, Aboriginals) Auto Pact/Free Trade

18 The last three decades of the 20th century
Feminism: 1st, and 2nd FLQ/October crisis, War Measures Act Trudeaumania Confederation, Meech Lake Accord, Charlottetown Accord Aboriginal Land Claims, creation of Nunavut, Kelowna Accord Free Trade Agreement & NAFTA

19 1970s-2000s Quebec Sovereignty: 1980 & 1995
Western Alienation, The NEP (National Energy Project)

20 Course Themes to Consider
The Evolving Role of Women The North American Partnership The Treatment of Minorities The Impact of Immigration French English Relations Canada’s Global Role Technology and Social Change Status of Aboriginals

21 Political Cartoons Identify the Issue: the general understanding of the issue the cartoon is depicting Identify the Devices used in the Cartoon: Caricature, Analogy, Symbols, Facial Expressions and Gestures, & Words Identify the Bias in the Cartoon: National/Regional/Local, Political, Religious, Ethnic, Gender, Economic, Personal Values

22 Identify the Issue: the general understanding of the issue the cartoon is depicting

23 Identify the Devices used in the Cartoon: Caricature, Analogy, Symbols, Facial Expressions and Gestures, & Words

24 Identify the Bias in the Cartoon: National/Regional/Local, Political, Religious, Ethnic, Gender, Economic, Personal Values









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