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On Writing a Diploma Paper 13th. European Symposium in Group Analysis Molde 11th. August 2005 Thor Kristian Island and Sigmund Karterud.

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Presentation on theme: "On Writing a Diploma Paper 13th. European Symposium in Group Analysis Molde 11th. August 2005 Thor Kristian Island and Sigmund Karterud."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Writing a Diploma Paper 13th. European Symposium in Group Analysis Molde 11th. August 2005 Thor Kristian Island and Sigmund Karterud

2 Guidelines and requirements for the Norwegian diploma paper

3 Purpose –The candidate shall, by the written paper, show that he/she is able to reflect group analytically regarding clinical observations, and articulate these reflections systematically in a written form. –The paper should demonstrate through the application of theory on the clinical material that the candidate has read and comprehended relevant literature. –The paper must also indicate how the candidate understands and reflects upon his/her own role as therapist.

4 Material: The paper must build on material from the group conducted during the qualifying course A general description of the group is recommended (appendix or table) The clinical part should illustrate how the candidate is working group analytically –Group process –Interpretations –Awareness of transference and countertransference The discussion should illustrate how the candidate understands the total dynamics and structure of the psychological field

5 Form and method: The candidate must present a problem relevant to the clinical material Theory and literature relevant to the problem must be presented The clinical material must illustrate the problem The discussion must demonstrate how the candidate integrates his understanding of theory in his clinical work A final conclusion summing up the theory, the clinical material and the discussion regarding the problem is advocated

6 Practical guidelines: The paper should be 6000-10 000 words The paper should be organised in chapters a.Problem formulation b.General description of the group c.Clinical material with relevant information regarding Individual participants Group interactions Particular group phenomena Transference/ countertransference themes Interpretations and interventions d.Discussion of clinical material in relation to selected theory and literature e.Conclusion

7 Evaluation: 1=disapproved, 2=approved, 3=excellent scale 1-3 Main impression (style, clarity, academic level) Problem formulation (clarity, relevance regarding clinical material) Presentation of clinical material Selected literature (relevant or not) Coherence and integration of problem formulation, literature, clinical material Understanding of own role as group analyst (reflections regarding transference/ countertransference. Use of supervision) Conclusion:

8 Training started in 1984 First candidates finished training 1989 1989-2004. 198 candidates have finished training (five years) 109 candidates (55%) have had their diploma approved

9 Guidelines from other Institutes in Europe The diploma paper must show how the candidate is able to apply the group analytic theories and concepts in the practical work with the group. The paper should demonstrate how the candidate uses and understands interpretations as well as aspects of transference and countertransference reactions.

10 Continued… A description of the group is advocated (”appropriate details of the candidate’s personal life….”) There are some differences regarding assesment procedures Some Institutes have time limits for writing the paper

11 Challenges for EGATIN? ”Presentation of a clinical paper, theoretically informed, is an essential requirement for completing the training” EGATIN: Esential Training Standards in Group Analytic Psychotherapy

12 Should EGATIN work out general recommendations for guidelines and procedures for a diploma paper?

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