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Treatment Approaches~ For Psychological Disorders.

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1 Treatment Approaches~ For Psychological Disorders

2  There is NO ONE approach that will work for all people ALL the time  Multiple approaches yield best results  Research is conducted to evaluate BEST treatment  Meta-analysis~ synthesis of “best practices”

3 INSIGHT THERAPIES  Psychoanalysis  Psychodynamic therapy  Interpersonal psychotherapy  Humanistic client-centered  Gestalt psychotherapy

4 Psychoanalysis  Resolve conflicts  “Go back” to find roots of problems  Identify issues  Change misunder- standings/emotions Bring conflict into conscious mind

5 Treatment includes:  Several sessions/week for 2-3 yrs  Using “Free Association”  Dream analysis: Manifest Content-recalled dream Latent Content-underlying meaning Hypnosis/ Freudian slips: clues to unconscious

6 Breakthroughs in therapy:  Resistance: blocking of anxiety-producing emotions by trivializing conversation or missing appointment is a sign of important issue  Transference: treating analyst as important person allowing analysand to “replay” prior experiences and gain insight into current feelings & behaviors

7 continued  Catharsis: release of emotional tension after remembering a significant emotional event may relieve anxiety

8 Off-shoots of Psychoanalysis  Shorter in duration  Less frequent  Therapist more active  “Past” defined differently PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY INTERPERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY


10 Humanistic Therapy  In late 1950s, psychologists concerned with advancing a more holistic vision of psychology convened two meetings in Detroit, Michigan. These psychologists, including Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Clark Moustakas were interested in founding a professional association dedicated to a psychology that focused on uniquely human issues. such as the self, self-actualization, health, hope, love, creativity, nature, being, becoming, individuality, and meaning – in short, the understanding of "the personal nature of the human experience". DetroitAbraham MaslowCarl Rogers Clark Moustakasselfself-actualization healthhopelovecreativitynaturebeing becomingindividuality

11 such as the self, self-actualization, health, hope, love, creativity, nature, being, becoming, individuality, and meaning.In short, the understanding of "the personal nature of the human experience".selfself-actualization healthhopelovecreativity naturebeingbecoming individuality

12 Carl Rogers  Ideal  Real Self  Unconditional positive regard  Active listening  Nondirective  Client-centered  Accepting environment

13 Fritz Perls & Gestalt Tx.  Directed therapy  Therapist challenges client  Client decides  Client CAN grow IF they can: perceive, stay aware and act on own feelings

14 BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES  Classical Conditioning therapies  Operant Conditioning therapies  Social Classical Conditioning therapies  Skills Training

15 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION  Relaxation training  Create Anxiety Hierarchy (least  most)  Relax with least stressful progressing to most stressful  Usually takes 10 sessions

16  FLOODING  Exposure technique to eliminate phobias  Conditioned stimulus (feared stimulus) is repeatedly presented with no repercussions (unconditioned stimulus)  Extinction eventually occurs

17  AVERSION CONDITIONING  behaviors are associated with unpleasant response or pain and thus become less pleasant  periodic pairing of behavior with unpleasant stimuli results in new behavior extinction

18 OPERANT CONDITIONING  BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION~ Goal established, new behavior begun and small rewards given as goals met  TOKEN ECONOMIES~ Positive behaviors rewarded with secondary reinforcers which can be turned in for primary reinforcers.

19 SOCIAL SKILLS TRAINING  Based on operant conditioning and Albert Bandura’s social learning theory.  Goal: improve interpersonal skills via  Modeling, Behavior Rehearsal, Shaping  Therapist provides positive reinforce- ment and corrective feedback

20 BEHAVIOR TX PSYCHOANALYTIC  Good for general anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, ETOH and Drug addiction, autism, sexual dysfunctions, bed wetting  Discount behaviorists—  “Quick Fix”  Anxiety comes back in different form because only symptom is being cured

21 COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL  Belief is that abnormal behavior is due to faulty thought patterns which can be changed through insight therapy and cognitive restructuring, turning disordered and faulty thinking into more realistic thinking SO client will improve.

22 RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY~REBT  Central to REBT's teachings is the ancient psychological insight of Epictetus, who said, “What disturbs men's minds is not events but their judgments on events.”



25 BIOMEDICAL TREATMENTS  Tranquilizers/Anxiolytics  Benzodiazepine (Valium)  Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)  Alprazolam (Xanax)  Buspirone (BuSpar)

26  Antidepressants  Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI’s)  Tricyclics  SSRI’s  Anti-seizure  Lithium

27  Stimulants  Psychoactive drugs (Ritalin, Dexadrine)

28  Antipsychotics/Neuroleptics  Thorazine, Haldol, Clozaril  Side effects are serious; problems with walking, drooling, involuntary muscle spasms due to dopamine receptors being blocked at all sites.

29 PDR Images~ UL-Adderal, UR-Ritalin, LL-Paxil, LR-Prozac

30 UL-Haldol, UR-Thorazine, LL- Valium

31 The End…..Any Questions?

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