1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Team AlternativeChoices October 10, 2012 Preliminary Design Review.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Team AlternativeChoices October 10, 2012 Preliminary Design Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Team AlternativeChoices October 10, 2012 Preliminary Design Review

2 2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Vangjush Dedo EE Salvador Rivera EE Lusheng Tang EE Stenli Duka CSE AlternativeChoices Professor Gong Advisor

3 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Current Food Service Slow and overcrowded during peak hours Safety hazard inside facilities  Students have no way of knowing if a place is crowded or not  Inefficient use of school resources Inefficient Food Service in US Campuses

4 4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering How significant is the problem?  Over 2600 Universities and Colleges in US  More than 20 million students  UMass Amherst has over 15 food facilities on campus  More than 25 thousand students enrolled  Improper allocation of school resources  A lot of money is spent on dining  Valuable space wasted

5 5 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Students waiting  Study time wasted  Late to class  Become angry  Overcrowding Bad eating environment Safety hazard Context: Effect on Individuals

6 6 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Context: Effect on School  Safety hazard caused by overcrowding  Unhappy students School reputation negatively affected  Crowd management  Improper allocation of school resources  Workers not placed where needed

7 7 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Requirements Analysis: Specifications  Real-Time measurement of number of people  Facility specific information  Multiple entrances  Compact design  Information accessible online  Updates every thirty seconds  Detect multiple people leaving/entering

8 8 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Requirements Analysis: Inputs and Outputs  Input Sensor data  Output Current people count in a food facility Expected amount of people in future Offer nearby alternate locations with less people

9 9 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  PCCI - People Counter with Computer Interface “Passive Infrared” (PIR) Sensor unit Connecting cable runs between people counter unit and the computer interface unit The PCCI is to be located close to the personal computer (within half a meter) Data can be collected from a single store through a (Microsoft Excel compatible) text file. $700 Design Alternatives

10 10 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  WF-5001 indoor people counter Fast pulse narrow beam infra-red 10 meters sensing distance Extremely robust construction Low power consumption Unaffected by bright sunlight SD card memory data stored $200 Design Alternatives

11 11 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  CompuCount 418/900 Server 418 MHz Unit with typical indoor range up to 200 feet 900 MHz Unit with typical indoor range up to 1500 feet Individual IP Address to identify specific locations CRC-16 Error Checked Radio Data assures data accuracy $999 Design Alternatives

12 12 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  PIR Sensors  Located at every entrance Continuously monitoring  Arduino Yun Sensor Processing People counting algorithm Wireless transmit data to database  Website Accessible from any browser, mobile friendly Updated every 30 seconds Suggests nearby facilities that are less crowded Future prediction and history Our Solution: AlternativeChoices

13 13 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Block Diagram Power Supply Processing Sensors Database Modification DB Connection Data Collection Data Storage Real-Time Data Future Prediction Database Processing History User Interface Wireless Transmission Alternatives Database

14 14 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Sensors  Requirements Detect movement Availability is 200ms Safe on people  Implementation PIR (Passive InfraRed) Process using Arduino Yun

15 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Power  Requirements Arduino Yun operating voltage is 5V Sensor operating voltage is 5V  Implementation 5V power supply Connected to wall outlet

16 16 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Sensor Processing  Requirements Inputs for at least 2 sensors Flash memory Processing should take under 200ms  Implementation Arduino Yun State Machine

17 17 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Requirements Reliable Occurs every 30 seconds Easy to implement  Implementation Arduino Yun with onboard WiFi IEEE 802.11b/g/n Connect to school wifi Wireless Transmission

18 18 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Database  Requirements Store people count every 30 seconds Timestamp for each people count Location for each people count  Implementation MongoDB MongoHQ on Heroku Access using REST API

19 19 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering User Interface  Requirements Easy to use Accessible Deliver results ­Real-Time Data -Alternative Choices -Future Prediction  Implementation Website Python using Django Hosted on Heroku

20 20 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Demonstration of People Counting PIR sensor data processed on Arduino Yun Data wireless transmitted to database  Demonstration of User Interface Interpret database -Display real-time people count -Display history Proposed MDR Deliverables

21 21 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Questions Thank You

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