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B. RAMAMURTHY 6/13/2013 1 Device Drivers. Introduction 6/13/2013 2  A device driver is computer program that allows a system to interface with hardware.

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Presentation on theme: "B. RAMAMURTHY 6/13/2013 1 Device Drivers. Introduction 6/13/2013 2  A device driver is computer program that allows a system to interface with hardware."— Presentation transcript:

1 B. RAMAMURTHY 6/13/2013 1 Device Drivers

2 Introduction 6/13/2013 2  A device driver is computer program that allows a system to interface with hardware devices.  Example driver: printer driver, bluetooth driver  Example devices: your USB stick, sensors: accelerometer  It is a translator between the operating system and applications the use the devices and the devices.  A typical operating system has many device drivers built into it.  A device driver converts general IO instructions into device specific operations.  Device drivers operate in a privileged mode  requires careful design

3 Why Device Driver? 6/13/2013 3  A typical computing system (lap top, computer, cell phone, PDA, Point of sale system) deals with a variety of devices.  Making a hardware device work as expected is a cumbersome task.  Instead adding this code every application, operating system provides a single point interface for all devices by hosting the device drivers.  Adding it under the operating systems provides the protection and security needed for the device drivers from malicious use.  The device drivers are essentially shared dynamically linked libraries.

4 File abstraCtion 6/13/2013 4 What do you with a device? {read, write}, {read only}, {write only} Lets look at some examples: USB device, CD-ROM, LED Display, What do you do with a file? open, close, read, write,.. File is an excellent abstraction for devices.

5 /dev partial listing 6/13/2013 5  total 380  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 30 Mar 7 2004 allkmem ->../devices/pseudo/mm@0:  allkmem  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 27 Aug 15 2001 arp ->../devices/pseudo/arp@0:arp  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 7 Aug 15 2001 audio -> sound/0  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 10 Aug 15 2001 audioctl -> sound/0ctl  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 11 Oct 4 03:06 -> /dev/term/b  drwxr-xr-x 2 root 512 Aug 17 2001 cfg  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 31 Aug 15 2001 conslog ->../devices/pseudo/log@0  :conslog  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 30 Aug 15 2001 console ->../devices/pseudo/cn@0:  console  drwxr-xr-x 2 root 512 Aug 15 2001 cua  drwxr-xr-x 2 root 2048 Aug 31 2002 dsk  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 29 Aug 15 2001 dump ->../devices/pseudo/dump@0:d  ump  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 50 Aug 15 2001 ecpp0 ->../devices/pci@1f,4000/eb  us@1/ecpp@14,3043bc:ecpp0  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 8 Aug 15 2001 fb0 -> fbs/ffb0  drwxr-xr-x 2 root 512 Aug 15 2001 fbs  dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 528 Nov 9 11:51 fd  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 30 Apr 7 2002 fssnapctl ->../devices/pseudo/

6 Device SPACE 6/13/2013 6  Typically there are multiple devices of the same type.  All the devices controlled by the same device driver is given the same “major number”  A “minor number” distinguishes among the devices of the same type.  Example: printers have a major number since purpose is same, minor# is denote a specific printer

7 Examples from XINU 6/13/2013 7  Take a look at files in the include directory:  device.h  tty.h  uart.h  Also in the system directory devtable.c, initialize.c  Bottom line is this, for a device xyz: 1. Include a file in include directory: xyz.h -- define the operations/functions for the device 2. Add a directory xyz -- implement all functions each in its own file 3. Add an entry in the devtable.c for the device (note that this has the “minor” device number along with other things)

8 Lets Analyze the XINU UART Driver 6/13/2013 8 Starting point: uart.h in include directory uart directory functions system directory devtable.c, initialize.c Usage of the devices is through device table: Ex: pdev = &devtab[i]; (pdev  init)(pdev);

9 UART Driver in EXINU 9 1. General device driver related files: device.h, devtable.c 2. Uart files: uart.h defining the physical features of the uart 3. All the files in the uart directory that implement the operations related to the uart.  uartControl.c uartInit.c uartIntr.c  uartPutChar.c uartWrite.c uartGetChar.c uartRead.c 6/13/2013

10 Device Drivers 10 On board devices are called internal peripherals and one outside are called external peripherals  UART Chip (internal)  TTY (external) UART  transceiver  RS232  D-9 connector  laptop serial socket  WRT54GL board and modifications 6/13/2013

11 Device drivers (contd.) 11 Embedded processor interacts with a peripheral device through a set of control and status registers. Registers are part of the peripheral device. Registers within a serial controller are different from those in a timer. These devices are located in the memory space of the processor or I/O space of the processor-- two types: memory-mapped or I/O mapped respectively. 6/13/2013

12 Device driver (contd.) 1. 1212 The keyword volatile should be used when declaring pointers to device drivers.  Bit patterns for testing, setting, clearing, toggling, shifting bits, bitmasks, and bitfields. Struct overlays:  In embedded systems featuring memory mapped IO devices, it is common to overlay a C struct on to each peripheral’s control and status registers.  This will provide the offsets for the various registers from the base address of the device. 6/13/2013

13 Device Driver Philosophy 13  Hide the hardware completely: hardware abstraction  If the device generates any interrupts include interrupt controllers.  Device driver presents a generic interface for applications at higher level to access the devices: device.h  Device drivers in embedded systems are different from general purpose operating systems: See diagram in slide #14  Applications in general purpose systems accesses OS (Operating Systems) which in turn accesses device drivers.  Applications in embedded systems can directly access device drivers. 6/13/2013

14 14 General Purpose OS vs. Embedded System Application process Operating System: dev/xyz Device driver Physical Device hardware Application process Device driver Physical Device hardware 6/13/2013

15 Device Driver development steps 15 1. An interface to the control and status registers. 2. Variables to track the current state of the physical and logical devices -- Major and minor device number, device name 3. A routine to initialize the hardware to known state 4. An API for users of the device driver -- Read, write, seek 5. Interrupts service routines 6/13/2013

16 Example: A serial device driver 16 Read the text for explanation and general example of a timer Now lets look at the UARTdriver of the embedded xinu and WRT54GL. Study the tty driver that is a logical device that is layered on top of the UART driver. Discuss how you would develop a device driver for a framebuffer.. This was a lab2 last year. 6/13/2013

17 Shift Operators 6/13/2013 17 << left shift >> right shift Usage: unsigned int x = 70707; //x = 00000000 00000001 00010100 00110011 unsigned int y, z; y = x << 2; // y = 00000000 00000100 01010000 11001100 z = x >> 2; //z = 00000000 00000000 01000101 00001100

18 Logic Operators 6/13/2013 18 Bitwise & (AND) Bitwise inclusive | (OR) Bitwise exclusive ^ (XOR) Bitwise negation ~ Usage: unsigned exp1 = 1; unsigned exp2 = 4; printf (“ %d\n”, exp1 | exp2); printf (“ %d\n”, exp1 & exp2); printf (“ %d\n”, exp1 ^ exp2); printf (“ %d\n”, ~exp1);

19 Relevance of shift and logic operators 6/13/2013 19  Bitwise operations are necessary for much low-level programming, such as writing to device drivers, low- level graphics, communications protocol packet assembly and decoding.  Device drivers use these operators to test the presence or absence of a bit in a serial port or a device input, for example. (checking for on or off)

20 Summary 20 We studied the design and development of device drivers. We analyzed the code for a sample UART driver. 6/13/2013

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