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Structure and functions of cells of the nervous system Chapter 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure and functions of cells of the nervous system Chapter 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure and functions of cells of the nervous system Chapter 2

2 Localization of brain functions: System approach Gall Brocka, Wenicke

3 Brain functions: The neuron approach Neuron is the basic computational unit:  Input - synapse.  Analysis – integrate and fire.  Output – synapse. 12/11/06

4 Brain and basic functions: The reflexes

5 Communication between neurons התלכדות Arousal system wakes up the rest of the brain Integration of sensory modalities to a common concept ConvergenceהתלכדותConvergence ביזורDivergence

6 How neurons decode the signal? The brain contains a network of ~ 10 10 interconnected neurons. In every small volume of cortex, thousands of spikes are emitted each millisecond. What is the information contained in such spatio-temporal pattern of pulses? What is the code used by the neurons to transmit that information? How might other neurons decode the signal?

7 Coding in the CNS

8 Integration in the neuron

9 Measuring the potential of a neuron

10 Stimulation and recording of a neuron

11 Action potential

12 Relative concentration of ions inside and outside of the neurons

13 Sodium-potassium pump


15 Ion movements during action potential

16 Membrane permeability during action potential

17 Conductance of action potential

18 Coding in the CNS

19 Decremental conduction

20 Saltatory conduction

21 Synaptic variations

22 Details of the synapse

23 EM of a synapse

24 Release of neurotransmitter


26 Recycling of the membrane

27 Ionotropic receptors

28 Metabotropic receptors

29 Ionic movement during postsynaptic potentials

30 Reuptake of the neurotransmitter

31 END

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