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Absolutism And Religious Wars. France Louis XIV –Golden Age The Sun King Versailles French culture = prestige –Mercantilism –Repeal of the Edict of.

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Presentation on theme: "Absolutism And Religious Wars. France Louis XIV –Golden Age The Sun King Versailles French culture = prestige –Mercantilism –Repeal of the Edict of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolutism And Religious Wars


3 France Louis XIV –Golden Age The Sun King Versailles French culture = prestige –Mercantilism –Repeal of the Edict of Nantes

4 Louis’ Background Louis became king at 4 years old when his father died Louis hated the nobility, because of the riots that tore France apart during his childhood

5 Absolutism Absolutism = belief that 1 ruler should hold power within a country Causes: –War / Religious Conflict creates fear –People wanted strong leaders / protection Effects: –Limited spread of ideas / religious beliefs –Taxes $$$

6 Who are absolute monarchs? Kings or queens who held all power within their states’ boundaries They believed God created the monarchy and monarchs were God’s representative on earth (Divine Right)

7 How to get absolute power Rid yourself of other pesky institutions that have local control or power. Centralize your power and administration Use secret police to establish fear, quiet dissenters and maintain order Create and maintain standing armies Tax, tax, tax and control it yourself using bureaucracies –Government administration with employees that answer only to the King –Bureaucrats serve the state not themselves or local interests

8 Louis attacks the Nobility Louis excluded the nobility from the French councils He increased the power of government agents called intendants The intendants collected taxes

9 Louis the 14 th of France Impact –France most powerful country in Europe –Expanded France’s Borders Colonies in Europe and North America –France in debt ($250 million in 1715)

10 Louis is devoted to making France an Economic Power Jean Baptiste Colbert became Louis’ minister of finance He wanted to make France self- sufficient Colbert developed the theory of mercantilism: – Wanted to export (send goods over seas) more than you import (bring goods in from over seas)

11 Construction of the Palace Drained swamps & moved forests to create 250 acres of formal gardens Entire estate = 2,000 acres 30,000 laborers Charles Lebrun = main decorater

12 Purpose of Palace of Versailles Power in center = government offices, homes of thousands of courtiers, their retinues, & attendant functionaries of the court lived in the Palace. Strict court etiquette that Louis XIV established was epitomized in elaborate ceremonies & parties.


14 Court Etiquette People who wanted to speak to the king could not knock on his door. Instead, using the left little finger, they had to gently scratch on the door, until they were granted permission to enter. A lady never held hands or linked arms with a gentleman. Besides being in bad taste, this practice would have been impossible because a woman’s hooped skirts were so wide. Instead, she was to place her hand on top of the gentleman’s bent arm as they strolled through the gardens and chambers of Versailles. It is also mentioned that the ladies were only allowed to touch fingertips with the men. Women and men were not allowed to cross their legs in public. When a gentleman passed an acquaintance on the street, he was to raise his hat high off his head until the other person passed. A gentleman was to do no work except writing letters, giving speeches, practicing fencing, or dancing. For pleasure, he engaged in hawking, archery, indoor tennis, or hunting. A gentleman would also take part in battle and would sometimes serve as a public officer, paying the soldiers.

15 French Military Campaigns Louis spent his $ on military campaigns to expand French boundaries These wars almost bankrupted the country Countries learned to join together to defeat France

16 Louis’ Legacy When Louis died in 1715, people cheered! Mixed legacy: –Positive: France ranked above all other European nations in art & literature. Also considered the military leader of Europe –Negative: Constant warfare & the construction of the Palace of Versailles put France into staggering debt. Plus the poor were burdened by high taxes

17 Germany Divided by the Reformation The Thirty Years War Population losses in Germany as a result of the Thirty Years War

18 Phillip II Son of Charles V – ruler of the Holy Roman Empire Became ruler of Spain, Netherlands, and the Spanish American colonies Created an empire that circled the globe

19 Phillip II Defender of Catholicism against Muslims and Protestants –Defeated Ottomans at Battle of Lepanto (1571) –Spanish Armada destroyed by England (1588) –Spanish empire never recovers

20 The Thirty Years’ War Phase 1 –Ferdinand’s army (Catholics) constantly defeat the Protestants. –They destroy many German villages. Phase 2 –France helps the Protestant nations defeat the Hapsburgs (Ferdinand’s family) army. Peace of Westphalia –France takes German territory –German princes are independent of the Holy Roman Empire

21 Conclusion Constitutional Monarchy develops in England after struggles between King and Parliament Absolutism established in France after long process of centralization

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