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The Anointing Oil EX. 30:22-25.

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Presentation on theme: "The Anointing Oil EX. 30:22-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Anointing Oil EX. 30:22-25

2 Mixture Myrrh 500 shekels Sweet Cinnamon 250 shekels
Sweet Calamus 250 shekels Cassia 500 shekels 60 Shekels = 2 lbs 6 oz About 22 lbs & 11 lbs

3 Vehicle About 1 gallon & 1 qt. 1 hin of Olive Oil

4 Myrrh An odorous Gum It is very bitter The sufferings of Christ
The death of Christ

5 Sweet Cinnamon Bark of a evergreen tree of the laurel family
It is sweet and its taste agreeable It is believed this spice represents GRACE It is also believes it points to God’s Holy Jealousy for His people

6 Sweet Calamus Reed or cane; from the mire “To stand upright”
Another term is “spikenard” It is obtained by crushing the plant Christ’s righteousness in a world of sin We are made right thru Him

7 Cassia To stoop or bow down Deut 6:4 Matt 4:10 I John 2:15
Submissiveness and Worship

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