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Opening Up The Possiblities Teaching with Technology.

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2 Opening Up The Possiblities Teaching with Technology

3 Two Big Questions:  What can technology allow us to do in education that we could not otherwise do?  How can technology help us to do better that which we already do?

4 Web Power  TrackStar: A Web-based annotated Bibliography- A Webliography TrackStar:  WebQuest: A Structured Web-based research strategy WebQuest: research strategy

5 A Virtual Field Trip  Culture Quest: An Interdisciplinary investigation combining history and language arts Culture Quest  History Colonial America French and Indian War Fort William Henry  Language Arts Literature Cooper’s “The Last of the Mohicans” Writing: Compare and Contrast

6 A Virtual Passport  Visit foreign countries Globalearn AsiaQuest  Talk to friends from other cultures Web66

7 A Virtual Museum Exhibit  Assemble sites that represent the work of important photographers Assemble sites  Students analyze and study selected photographer  Students take photos in the style of photographer

8 Multimedia  PowerPoint as Presentation Tool  Demonstration of Learning

9 The Monster Project  Elementary Language Arts  Draw a “Monster”“Monster”  Describe how to draw the monster  Draw the monster from the description

10 Brainstorming with Inspiration  Idea Maps  Analyzing Reading  Project Planning  Bringing Out Detail

11 Create Timelines  For Organizing Work Student Responsibilities Due Dates  For Adding Historical Perspective

12 Desktop Publishing  Create Curriculum Related Calendars  Publish Travel Brochures and Newsletters  Catalogues and Flyers  Business Cards  Menus  Etc.

13 Create or Enrich Maps  Locate natural disasters  Identify natural resources  Locate geographical features

14 Manipulate and Analyze Data  Create data bases  Work with data base  Present data

15 Thinking About The Process The Implications for Schooling: The Intersection of Three Essential Elements – Teacher – Student – Content

16 Technology Changes the Relationships at the Point of Intersection  Refocusing Learning  Altering the Perception of the Role of Teacher  Valuing Higher Order Thinking Skills  Creating a Culture of Inquiry  Appealing to Multiple Intelligences

17 Technology refocuses learning …from the narrow notion of a finite catalogue of information  to an expanding universe rich in knowledge, context and connections.

18 Technology alters the perception of teacher …from the idea of teacher as holder of all knowledge  to the creation of a learning community consisting of members with more and less experience

19 Technology Values Higher Order Thinking Skills …by changing the task from gathering old information  to analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating essential questions and creating new knowledge

20 Technology Creates a Culture of Inquiry …that encourages student cooperation  by placing students in a collaborative environment

21 Technology Appeals to a Variety of Intelligences …by allowing teachers to develop lesson strategies that utilize a broader range of pedagogies and appeal to a greater number of learning styles

22 Can Computers Really Make a Difference? YES!

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