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WHAP MP4.  All of the following statements concerning Aztec human sacrifice are accurate EXCEPT…  E. Members of the Aztec ruling elite constituted the.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAP MP4.  All of the following statements concerning Aztec human sacrifice are accurate EXCEPT…  E. Members of the Aztec ruling elite constituted the."— Presentation transcript:


2  All of the following statements concerning Aztec human sacrifice are accurate EXCEPT…  E. Members of the Aztec ruling elite constituted the bulk of the individuals sacrificed.

3  Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilization all managed to construct monumental structures without which of the following?  C. Draft animals

4  Which of the following did NOT link the peoples of Africa and southern Asia?  B. Language

5  The trade on the Indian Ocean was  C. Decentralized and cooperative

6  One significant effect of the Black Death was  B. The development of humanist thought in response to the suffering and staggering death toll

7  All of the following are differences between medieval art and Renaissance art EXCEPT  D. Medieval art was almost entirely religious in subject, whereas Renaissance was almost all secular in subject (Renaissance was both – Leonardo da Vinci did Mona Lisa and Last Supper; Michelangelo did David and Sistine Chapel.)

8  The development of the Gutenberg press in the mid-fifteenth century was significant for all of the following reasons EXCEPT  A. It constituted the first printing press in the world

9  Which of the following is a shared characteristic of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations?  A. Both emphasized education as an essential element of their philosophies

10  Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, posted in 1517, were arguments pertaining to…  A. His frustrations with church institutions and practices

11  Which of the following best explains the motivation of English king Henry VIII in establishing the Anglican Church as separate from the Catholic Church?  A. The pope refused to grant Henry an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.  Make sure your name is on your sheet and hand it in as you leave!

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