Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl Institute for Theoretical Physics University Graz Forces and Phonons within WIEN2k.

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Presentation on theme: "Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl Institute for Theoretical Physics University Graz Forces and Phonons within WIEN2k."— Presentation transcript:


2 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl Institute for Theoretical Physics University Graz Forces and Phonons within WIEN2k

3 Outline Forces in WIEN2k Atomic Forces Geometry optimization The frozen phonon approach The Hellmann-Feynman theorem Forces within density functional theory Pulay corrections Phonons Computational effort Examples Molecular Dynamics Inputs Limitations

4 The Frozen Phonon Approach fit: harmonic case:

5 Frozen Phonon Approach atomic forces: 3N degrees of freedom N atoms: i=1,....,N force constants: dynamical martrix: general case:

6 The Hellmann-Feynman Force Many particle Schrödinger equation Many particle system electronic coordinatesionic coordinates groundstate wavefunction with respect to fixed ions Hellmann-Feynman theorem

7 The Hellmann-Feynman Force Hellmann-Feynman force: total classical Coulomb force acting on the nucleus  stemming from all other charges of the system = electrostatic force stemming from all other nuclei + electrostatic force stemming from the electronic charges Many particle system component of the electric field caused by the nuclear charge

8 Forces in DFT Atomic force: Pulay corrections Total energy:

9 Forces in the LAPW Method

10  point mode in Si Example

11 Computational Effort

12 Example: YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 yttrium barium copper oxygen Lattice Vibrations

13 Raman Active Phonons YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7

14 Example: YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 Lattice Vibrations oxygen modes Ba / Cu modes

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