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Welcome to AP Computer Science A We use the Java language, but this class is much more rigorous than Intro to Java More programming, but also more theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AP Computer Science A We use the Java language, but this class is much more rigorous than Intro to Java More programming, but also more theory."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to AP Computer Science A We use the Java language, but this class is much more rigorous than Intro to Java More programming, but also more theory Difficult material…expect to study/practice at home if you want to succeed AP Exam: May 2016… college credit  save $$ and time, impressive on application, be more prepared for college  teacher websites  Quinn –Notes, assignments, and test/quiz dates will be posted here. When you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to read the notes and complete the assignments.

3 Do not… Copy code/files Google how to do something Play games / do anything before all assignments are done Ask “did you grade the tests yet?” or any variation thereof Listen to the band Third Eye Blind

4 Don’t be “that guy”

5 Rules for naming a file –Begin with a capital letter –No spaces or punctuation –Cannot begin with a number –Each new word starts with a capital letter

6 Basic output To display text: System.out.println(“ “); To go to the next line: put \n between the quotes System.out.print(“ “);  do not go to next line Java is case-sensitive Semi-colons after (almost) every line of code Demo: HelloWorld

7 Variables Variables are memory containers in which info is stored They can hold numbers, letters, words, phrases, etc integers are whole numbers (no decimals) First, declare the variable – specify the type of info the variable will hold, and give the variable a name int x = 0; Setting it equal to zero is called initializing the variable (giving it an initial value) Integers are usually initialized to 0, although there are exceptions to this rule Demo

8 You give a variable a value by using =, which is called the assignment operator. Important: = does not mean “is equal to!” What it really means is “Take what is on the right side of the equals sign and assign it to what is on the left side.”

9 Rules for naming variables Use meaningful names Cannot start with a number Numbers and letters only Start with a lowercase letter then capitalize the first letter of other words Examples: highScore avgTestScore

10 Other types of variables Double (also known as “floating point number”) –allows decimals –much more useful than integers, but takes up more memory char –A single character –You must put the character in single quotes, if you are giving a char value in your code example: char myGrade = ‘ ’; String –Words, phrases, sentences –Capitalize String –Use double quotes example: String firstName= “”; Demo

11 Assignments (MyInfo) –Declare and initialize variables that will hold… Your age 7 numbers The average of those 7 numbers The sum, difference, product, and quotient of the first and last numbers your middle initial Your favorite book –Store data in these variables. –Then display this information. (Example: “The average is 3.4.”)

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