EEO assistance line 596-0602 ~ EO assistance line 596-0601 Fort Leonard Wood Equal Opportunity News It’s not just another program….It’s a way of life!

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Presentation on theme: "EEO assistance line 596-0602 ~ EO assistance line 596-0601 Fort Leonard Wood Equal Opportunity News It’s not just another program….It’s a way of life!"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEO assistance line 596-0602 ~ EO assistance line 596-0601 Fort Leonard Wood Equal Opportunity News It’s not just another program….It’s a way of life! Take a new look at Volume 06-08 2 Jun 2008 2. Cain's victim3. Cocoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear2. Cain's victim3. Cocoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear 33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee precede39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee precede39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative CO2 Word of the Month: Acceptance Military EO Information Dear Targeted, Yes, national origin discrimination/harassment does occur and is one of the most common claims raised in national origin charges filed with the EEOC. During the last decade, the number of private sector national origin harassment charges filed with the EEOC increased from 1,383 charges in fiscal year 1993 to 2,719 charges in fiscal year 2002. In fiscal year 2002, thirty percent of all private sector national origin charges included a harassment claim. National origin harassment violates Title VII when it is so severe or pervasive that the individual being harassed reasonably finds the work environment to be hostile or abusive. Harassment based on national origin can take many different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual's birthplace, ethnicity, culture, or foreign accent. A hostile environment may be created by the actions of supervisors, coworkers, or even non-employees, such as customers or business partners. In Fiscal Year 2007, EEOC received 9,396 charges of national origin discrimination. Including charges from previous years, 7,773 charges were resolved, and monetary benefits for charging parties totaled $22.8 million (not including monetary benefits obtained through litigation). Sincerely, Ms Millie Civilian EEO Information EO leaders’ (EOLs) responsibilities include assisting commanders at the battalion-level or equivalent and below in carrying out the EO Program within their units. EOLs serve a special duty at small unit level. Commanders must appoint EOLs in their units who are members of the chain of command in the rank of SGT (P) through 1LT. Typical roles and duties of EOLs are as follows— (1) Assist commanders in addressing EO climate detractors. (2) Continuously assist commanders in the conduct of unit climate assessments. (3) Prepare and assist the commander in the conduct of EO training. (4) Establish and maintain liaison with other EOLs and with the EOA at higher headquarters. (5) Assist commanders and assigned project officers in preparing and conducting ethnic observances and special commemorations. (6) Assist complainants by referring them to an appropriate agency for assistance. EOLs may not conduct investigations and are not trained to fully advise AR 15–6 investigating officers in their conduct of EO complaint investigations. (7) Serve as a resource person for EO matters in the unit. Role of the Equal Opportunity Leader (EOL) An EOL is a key leader approachable by all and tasked to assist the commander with matters of EO within the organization. You can read about the responsibilities of the EOL listed below: Dear Ms. Millie, I often hear of discrimination/harassment occurring by people based primarily on their race or sex, but haven’t heard or read of cases involving people of different national origins. Does this also occur between people of different national origins? Sincerely, Feeling Targeted World-Class in all we do thru

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