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Writing, Writing, Writing n Writing involves a two fold objective n To build or create goodwill n To get the desired response n Writing is purposeful,

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Presentation on theme: "Writing, Writing, Writing n Writing involves a two fold objective n To build or create goodwill n To get the desired response n Writing is purposeful,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing, Writing, Writing n Writing involves a two fold objective n To build or create goodwill n To get the desired response n Writing is purposeful, it accomplishes an end

2 Good News Messages n Use the direct-deductive plan n Use concrete words and specific wording n Use the “you” language

3 Routine Messages n Choose the correct voice dependent on the message n Routine requests & responses--provide enough info n Routine claim--what do you want done? n Routine claim response--what can you do? n Remember: negativism begets negativism

4 Psychological Approaches to Writing n Direct Approach: n Main opening (Ask, respond) n Details n Easy action, dated request, pleasant close

5 Negative News Messages n Use the indirect-inductive plan n Avoid a negative tone n Don’t be belittling or condescending n Use a buffer opening n Avoid dwelling on the issue/problem in the close n Avoid negative words n Use more abstract language to soften the “blow” n Avoid overuse of the “you” language n Use the correct voice (passive) n Provide the necessary facts

6 Psychological Approach-- Indirect n Buffer (cushion) n Explain first, then refuse n Resale talk n Never dwell on the problem in the opening and closing paragraphs of a negative news message. The reader remembers what he/she heard first and last!

7 Persuasive News Messages n Use tactics/techniques that appeal to a desire to perform n Create attention, interest, desire, conviction to act n Develop a major selling point

8 Psychological Approach-- Persuasive n AIDA n attention, interest, desire, action (soft sell) n AIDCA n attention, interest, desire, conviction, action n AIDPPA n attention, interest, desire, proof, persuasion, action (hard sell) n DDPC n dramatic opening, describe, persuade, clinch n PPPP n paint a picture, promise, persuade, push

9 Sales Appeals n Emotional appeal--sells people n Rational appeal--sells product n Altruistic appeal--sells mankind

10 Employment Messages n Referral letters n Fact vs. opinion n Application letters n solicited vs. unsolicited n Follow-up letters n Inquiry n Thank You n Acceptance n Refusal

11 Collection Series n Reminder Stage (positive tone) n Monthly Statement n Reminder notice n Discussion Stage (persuasive tone) n What is going on? n Overdue, delinquent, final notice n Urgency Stage (demanding, negative tone) n Attorney intervention n Collection agency intervention n Lawsuit

12 Collection Appeals n Positive Appeals n Fair Play n Cooperation n Self-Interest n Negative Appeals n Pride n Last chance

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