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APUSH AUGUST 19 TH, 2011 Founding the 13 Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH AUGUST 19 TH, 2011 Founding the 13 Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH AUGUST 19 TH, 2011 Founding the 13 Colonies

2 Does religion unite or divide people ?

3 What is going on in England? Protestant Reformation  1517 Martin Luther launches Protestant Reformation Anglican Church forms  Henry VIII wants annulment, pope denies  Declares himself head of Church of England  Protestant with some Catholic rituals and organization

4 Puritans ke/pop_puritans.html

5 The wool effect… Joint-stock companies -- > $$$$ -- > colonies

6 The Virginia Company 1606: Stockholders have permission to start colonies in Virginia (thanks King James I!) 3 ships + 144 men Guess how many made it?

7 104 Guess what they named their new colony?

8 Who has lived in the countryside before? What problems might you have adapting to living in the countryside? (pre colmados…)

9 Free land for 7 years of labor…. What type of person may be enticed by this offer?

10 Too many people, not enough… Settlers raid American Indian food stores… American Indians retaliate 400 --> 60 (less than a year)

11 Smoking becomes popular in England John Rolfe used seeds from Trinidad http://www.tobacco-

12 “Christian Servants” 1619 20 African men Not called “slaves”


14 Maryland In England, Catholics persecuted 1632, Lord Baltimore creates “proprietary colony”  Almost unlimited authority  Impose taxes, create army  Cannot do anything against English law  Protestant settlers… more conflict!  Toleration Act 1649: religious toleration of all Christians (deny divinity of Jesus is punishable by death!)


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