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Colosseum. The greatest structure erected during the age of the Flavian emperors (69–96 C.E.) and arguably the finest architectural achievement in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Colosseum. The greatest structure erected during the age of the Flavian emperors (69–96 C.E.) and arguably the finest architectural achievement in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colosseum

2 The greatest structure erected during the age of the Flavian emperors (69–96 C.E.) and arguably the finest architectural achievement in the history of the Roman Empire. 資料來源:

3 The Colosseum was originally called the Flavian Amphitheater, but it became known as the Colosseum after a colossal statue of Nero that once stood nearby. 資料來源:

4 Its origins are to be found in the desire of the Emperor VESPASIAN to create for the Romans a stadium of such magnitude as to convince both them and the world of Rome’s return to unquestioned power after the bitter civil war. 資料來源:

5 The seats were arranged in four different sections on the podium. The bottom seats belonged to the tribunes, senators, and members of the Equestrian Order. 資料來源:

6 The second and third sections were for the general citizenry and the lower classes, respectively. The final rows, near the upper arches, were used by the lower classes and many women. All of these public zones bore the name maeniana. 資料來源:

7 Times Square

8 Times Square, at the heart of New York’s theater district, with a giant subway exchange below and a variegated neon canopy above, has become a global emblem of the city The “crossroads of Broadway” has also sheltered talent agencies, souvenir stands, adult entertainment and prostitution, a seediness that preoccupied city administrators and tourists in the 1970s. 資料來源:

9 Pisa

10 Leaning Tower of Pisa is the freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of Pisa, Italy. Like the cathedral and associated baptistery, the tower was built in the Romanesque style (see Romanesque Art and Architecture). 資料來源: /

11 Adjacent to the three structures is a cemetery, or camposanto (Italian: literally, holy field, originally meant to hold sacred soil from the holy land). 資料來源: /

12 The tower is renowned for its marked tilt. This spectacular irregularity has tended to obscure the fact that it is also a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture and decoration. 資料來源: /

13 Parthenon

14 Parthenon, ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena Parthenos (Athena the Virgin), on the Acropolis in Athens. 資料來源: /

15 Although partly in ruins today, it remains a masterpiece of Greek architecture, especially of the Doric order—the earliest and simplest of the classical Greek styles. 資料來源: /

16 The Parthenon is noted for its perfect simplicity of design and the harmony of its proportions. 資料來源: /

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