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Music of Africa Introduction. The African Continent.

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1 Music of Africa Introduction

2 The African Continent

3 European Colonialism European claims, 1914

4 African Identity Local (i.e. within local community): –Gender –Age –Kinship Ethnicity Language Nationality

5 General Characteristics Music is “functional” (i.e. for ceremonies; work; play) Music often used to communicate with spirits/ancestors Music and dance often inseparable Drumming considered “music”

6 Musical Tendencies Musical forms often based on ostinato patterns Polyrhythms (West Africa) Call and response Music used as means of communal participation Interlock Open-ended forms Preference for dense textures

7 Ewe Music (Ghana/Togo): Agbekor Genre of dance- drumming (involves dancing, drumming, singing) Performed by specialist groups Performance contexts: funerals, (originally for battles)

8 Agbekor Drums (4 single- headed drums, in hierarchy, with lead drummer) Double bell (gankogui) Gourd rattle (axatse)

9 The Ewe People Were historically a minority group w/in larger kingdoms of Fon and Yoruba. Hierarchical society – lineage is important, confers authority. Military battles and history preserved in songs and oral history.

10 Ewe Spiritual World-View Supreme being (Mawu); other divinities interact with humans and the world Ex. “Se” – keeper of souls; destiny Strong belief in ancestral spirits and their activities on earth

11 Agbekor in Performance Held after a wake for the deceased Drummers (with lead drummer) sit at one end of area; dancers stand in lines facing drummers Singers (with song leader) stand behind dancers Lead drummer determines drum/dance “style”; when music starts/stops

12 Percussion Ensemble “Listen to the bell” – plays fundamental ostinato (based on 12-beat phrase) 123456789101112 4-beat XXXX bell XXXXXXX 6-beat XXXXXX

13 Agbekor Songs Variety of topics, including war and bravery; grief Call and response (leader and group) Short, repeated sections using limited pitches

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