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Teaching for a Change: Christian Education in the Local Church Pastor Troy Gedack

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1 Teaching for a Change: Christian Education in the Local Church Pastor Troy Gedack

2 The Necessity of Bible Teaching for the Church

3 Intro… The Bible is the foundation or basis of knowledge Proverbs 18:15 Bombarded by so much information Yet we’re troubled because of our fundamental lack of basic understanding Drowning in information, but starved for knowledge

4 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

5 In Britain over 300 new books are published each day, not to mention massive amount of information available on the Internet

6 Continued… Understanding and information are not synonymous We are informed about everything, yet we know nothing Yet the Bible stands as the solid source of all right knowledge Proverbs 14:12

7 What’s missing? 2 Tim. 3:7 Hosea 4:6 Ignoring or rejecting spiritual knowledge alienates us from God Matt. 13:16-17 Knowing God’s Word is priceless knowledge – the true foundation for understanding all other knowledge

8 Counteracting the false information we see about us The world is filled with truth and error!

9 So… Satan mixes right with wrong Many can’t tell the difference God has to reveal it – therefore, His Word is essential It is the foundation of all true knowledge Proverbs 2:6 God is the great Educator! Vv. 1-5

10 Continued… Matt. 5:6 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7) Trust and place our confidence in Him We can’t ignoring His teachings, instructions and commandments revealed through His Word

11 We are to live by every word of God (Matt. 4:4)

12 In Sum… Bible is the foundation or basis of knowledge Revealing the root cause of every problem plaguing humanity since creation Reveals true values by which we must live, if we are to repair our massive relationship problems

13 Closing Questions… The world is filled with many false values. To whom do we look for the foundation of right knowledge? What are the two great commandments? Biblical knowledge is foundational in our relationships with God and each other. How long will it endure? 1 Peter 1:24-25

14 Teaching for a Change: Christian Education in the Local Church Pastor Troy Gedack

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