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English 204-01 The novel and irony: Northanger Abbey (1818)

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1 English 204-01 The novel and irony: Northanger Abbey (1818)

2 Northanger Abbey “A HOLIDAY ENDS AS TERROR BEGINS... Would Henry tell her the truth or was he, too, involved in the evil of the house - an evil which threatened to enmesh Catherine herself. FAR FROM HOME AND CLOSE TO DANGER, CATHERINE HAS NOWHERE TO TURN!"

3 No office hours during fall break No office hours during fall break (ie. Tuesday October 16 th ) Professor Morse will hand out mid-terms and blue books at the beginning of class Write answers to IDs on index cards (to be provided) Carlton will collect index cards after ten minutes and then you can open your books Professor Morse will collect blue books and index cards at the end of class

4 Gothic: parody or celebration? Find two passages that engage with contemporary Gothic novels What commentary do they offer on their predecessors? Is Northanger Abbey a Gothic novel, or the parody of a Gothic novel?

5 Romantic, ironic or cynical? Find two passages that reveal something about the relationship between Catherine and Henry Is their relationship good for Catherine or not?

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