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AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SOSA Industry Day: Working Agendas August 4, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SOSA Industry Day: Working Agendas August 4, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SOSA Industry Day: Working Agendas August 4, 2015

2 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SOSA Industry Day: Why are we here? The Army, Navy and NSA are coordinating with Air Force to: –Leverage the success of the FACE Consortium –Provide the same value of an open architecture approach to the Sensor Community Industry is now invited to join the discussions to: –Establish and evolve a Government-Industry collaborative environment made up of suppliers, buyers and end-users –Ensure development of a standard and business strategy for a Sensor Open Systems Architecture meets the mutual needs of both Government and Industry DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

3 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Agenda 07:00-07:50Check In 08:00-08:10 Introduction 08:10-08:30 USAF Key Note Address 08:30-08:45 USAF Open Approaches Way Ahead 09:00-09:15 NSA Warfighter perspective 09:15-09:30 AFRL Briefing 09:30-09:45 Break 09:45-10:15 Army Introduction to SOSA 10:15-10:45 Draft SOSA Charters 10:45-11:15 Navy Standards Development 11:15-12:00 The Open Group Presentation 12:00-13:30 Lunch DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

4 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Agenda 13:30-15:00 Break out working groups in preparation for the Panel 15:00-15:45 Panel – Q and A on SOSA implementation – Gov. 15:45-16:00 Break 16:00-16:45 Panel – Q and A on SOSA implementation – FACE 16:45-17:00 Closing statements DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

5 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Charter August 4 2015 SOSA Team DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

6 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SOSA Scope to Bound the Effort Overall Scope  Utilize an Open Systems Architectural framework and an agreed subset of Commercial Open Standards as design philosophies to develop a viable Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA)  Build boundaries within C4ISR architecture to what makes sense for competitive sub-system functional acquisition of sensor capabilities e.g. tracking, data processing, connecting, antenna plugs, power, CPU Level 1 Scope  Formulation of Working Group Structure:  Hardware- Chassis/Board/Backplane  Software- Architecture/Applications and Messaging Interchange  Electrical/Mechanical- Mounting/Housing/Cabling Connectors  Business/Government- Intellectual Property (IP)/Data Rights, and Acquisition Guidance 6 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

7 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft SOSA Charter  The vision of SOSA is to create an open and common framework to facilitate developing and fielding C4ISR payloads and their many modalities in a manner that is vendor and platform agnostic  The framework will include associated suite of Interface Description Documents (IDD’s) for each system/subsystem (e.g. Radar, SIGINT, Comms, EW, Electro Optical)  SOSA will pursue standardization of functional decomposition, for software and hardware architectures as well as electrical/mechanical interfaces  SOSA will allow multi-service multi-agency programs to produce agile cost-effective C4ISR systems which can rapidly respond to changing requirements and user needs  SOSA will leverage existing and emerging standards such as FACE, HOST, JICD 4.x, MBE, MORA, OMS, REDHAWK, SPIES, VICTORY, and VITA 65 7 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

8 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft SOSA Charter cont.  SOSA framework will look to maximize applicability of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) "ilities" as well as affordability, configurability, composability, compatibility, extensibility, scalability, and cybersecurity across software, hardware, and electrical/mechanical components  Facilitate international collaboration while accommodating export controls The objective will be to provide more capabilities faster within existing budget constraints Allow for platform agility, flexibility, and scalability Encourage rapid innovation Deliver capability to warfighter faster 8 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

9 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Business Working Group Charter The charter of the SOSA Business Working Group (BWG) is to Develop, Implement and Communicate Attractive Business Models that Incorporate SOSA Vision and Mission:  Define business models to communicate SOSA goals to DoD and Industry leaders and promote the use of SOSA approach in sensors development, procurement and upgrades  Establish integration with the other standards such as: FACE, HOST, JICD 4.x, MBE, MORA, OMS, REDHAWK, SPIES, VICTORY, and VITA 65 9 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

10 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Business Working Group Charter (cont.)  Develop guidance documents for Government acquisition processes such as RFP (sample language Section L/M and CDRL tailoring)  Modeling of government to government, government to contractor, and contractor to contractor interactions in the execution of contractual obligations utilizing SOSA environment  Develop conformance policy and program  Evaluate, develop, and disseminate business models that will support successful development, delivery, maintenance and conformance of components and systems to the SOSA Technical Standard  Establish Conformance Program which will include a set of plans, procedures, and certification environments, with roles and responsibilities for participants, to Certify SOSA products that have applied for SOSA Conformance Certification 10 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

11 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Software Working Group Charter The charter of the Software Working Group (SWG) is to identify open standards where such exist, define standards that do not yet exist, reuse when possible and provide guidance for using these standards to achieve agility and affordability of software-based capabilities across multiple sensor platforms  The SWG is a technical body responsible for all software SOSA technical aspects  The SWG defines Technical Standard for SOSA software Reference/Objective Architecture (or a set of architectures) to include:  Provide guidance supporting the standard  Provide implementation guidance  Develop additional support documentation  Defines procedures for SOSA Conformance 11 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

12 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Software Working Group Charter (cont.)  The SWG ensures that software architecture be capable of supporting time critical and deterministic execution of the architecture components  SWG ensures that software supports system security engineering requirements  The SWG will describe a set of common software capabilities across all or some of the sensor modalities  For capabilities that are unique to each sensor modality the SWG will develop an objective architecture leveraging common core software solution  The SWG will ensure that the architecture is hardware agnostic and that hardware accelerated capabilities can be seamlessly swapped between software and hardware 12 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

13 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Hardware Working Group Charter The charter of the Hardware Working Group (HWG) is to identify open standards where such exist, define standards that do not yet exist, reuse when possible and provide guidance for using these standards to achieve portability of hardware capabilities across multiple sensor platforms  The HWG is a technical body responsible for all hardware SOSA technical aspects  HWG ensures that hardware supports system security engineering requirements  The HWG defines Technical Standard for SOSA hardware Reference/Objective Architecture (or a set of architectures) to include:  Provide guidance supporting the standard  Provide implementation guidance  Develop additional support documentation  Defines procedures for SOSA Conformance 13 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

14 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Hardware Working Group Charter (cont.)  The HWG ensures that hardware architecture can support common COTS components from various industry partners e.g. Chassis/Board/Backplane  The HWG will describe a set of common hardware capabilities across all or some of the sensor modalities  For capabilities that are unique to each sensor modality the HWG will develop an objective architecture leveraging common core hardware capabilities  The HWG will ensure that hardware accelerated capabilities can be seamlessly swapped between software and hardware 14 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

15 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Electrical/Mechanical Working Group Charter The charter of the Electrical/Mechanical Working Group (EMWG) is to identify open standards where such exist, define standards that do not yet exist, reuse when possible and provide guidance for using these standards to achieve portability of various components and sensor capabilities across multiple C4ISR platforms  The EMWG is a technical body responsible for all Electrical/Mechanical SOSA technical aspects  The EMWG defines Technical Standard for SOSA Electrical/Mechanical Reference/Objective architecture (or a set of architectures) to include:  Provide guidance supporting the standard  Provide implementation guidance  Develop additional support documentation  Defines procedures for SOSA Conformance 15 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

16 AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Draft Electrical/Mechanical Working Group Charter (cont.)  The EMWG ensures that Electrical/Mechanical architecture can support common COTS capabilities from various industry partners for Chassis/Board/Backplane, as well as housing of said components, and cable connectors(e.g. common power or antenna connectors)  The EMWG will describe a set of common Electrical/Mechanical capabilities across all or some of the sensor modalities  For capabilities that are unique to each sensor modality the EMWG will develop an objective architecture leveraging common core hardware, housing, and Electrical/Mechanical/Cabling solutions 16 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. PA-88ABW-2015-3775

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