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Research Skills: Effective Reading Strategies. Task Complete the questionnaire to discover how you read.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Skills: Effective Reading Strategies. Task Complete the questionnaire to discover how you read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Skills: Effective Reading Strategies

2 Task Complete the questionnaire to discover how you read

3 Characteristics of a Surface Approach to Reading Intention to complete task requirements Memorise information needed for assessments Failure to distinguish general principles or argument from examples Treats task as an external imposition Focus on discrete elements without integration Unreflectiveness about purpose or strategies

4 Characteristics of a Deep Approach to Reading Intention to understand Vigorous interaction with content Relate new ideas to previous knowledge Relate concepts to everyday experience Relate evidence to conclusions Examine the logic of the argument

5 Reflective Task Can you deduce any general principles of effective reading from the above comments on deep and surface reading?

6 Effective Reading ‘The main objective when reading is to understand, to look for meaning. (…) A good reader is not necessarily one who reads quickly’.(Cottrell, 2001: 275)

7 For Deep Reading Don’t just let the words wash over you Think about/ Compare what you are reading with your own experience/ with what you know about the subject = TRY TO UNDERSTAND What you are reading

8 Critical reading What are your questions? What is the writer’s goal? –Theoretical position –Predictions/hypotheses Are their arguments sound and justified?

9 Critical Reading Questions How would you have: –Carried out the study (empirical) –Argued the case (empirical and theoretical) Are the author’s interpretations valid? Are they convincing? –Are they claiming too much? What are the implications of the findings/arguments?

10 What did I say again? Reading is based on understanding

11 Task How would you read the handout in terms of a deep approach to reading?

12 Other Types of Reading Reading is purposeful Reading is selective

13 Task Imagine you were going to answer the folllowing question ‘Discuss how language creates notions of gender’. Which parts of the text would you read?

14 Rapid Reading Reading the ideas, not the words. Increases reading speed without losing comprehension We use natural vision –Most of the time –But not when reading Tunnel vision when reading –Unnatural –Slow –Tiring

15 So why don’t we read rapidly? Taught word by word Comfortable habit Scared of missing info –Shouldn’t happen Scared of losing concentration –May actually increase!

16 Is it hard? More weird than hard initially –Have to unlearn old reading habits –Have to make time to practice –Have to use different materials BUT big benefits if you get the hang of it –Reading is faster –Reading is more efficient

17 So how do I learn it? Test yourself –You might already do it –You might find that you need it  –

18 Reading in a cupboard???

19 Finally… See lecture notes for further advice: rces/study_skills/

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