Quantum Computing MAS 725 Hartmut Klauck NTU 2.4.2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Computing MAS 725 Hartmut Klauck NTU 2.4.2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Computing MAS 725 Hartmut Klauck NTU 2.4.2012

2 Question: Can we solve NP complete problems efficiently on a quantum computer ?? Of course we cannot disprove such a possibility More specific: Is it possible by using only black box techniques? And not the precise problem structure E.g. SAT Problem: given a CNF formula on n variables, is there a satisfying assignment? Trivial approach: Try all 2 n assignments of the variables Can a quantum computer do this efficiently?

3 Black Box Model Can we solve SAT quickly in the black box model? I.e., assume all we can do is test assignments, we cannot use more information about a formula n Boolean variables, N=2 n assignments Search problem: for bits x 0,...,x N-1 find x i =1 if such an i exists

4 Search problems Problem 1: Given x 0,...,x N-1, find i with x i =1 if possible Problem 2 : Given x 0,...,x N-1 with a guarantee that there is exactly one x i =1, find i Problem 3: Given x 0,...,x N-1, compute OR(x 0,...,x N-1 ) Problem 4: Given x 0,...,x N-1 with guarantee that either exactly one x i =1 or no x i =1, decide which 2),3) are easier than 1), and 4) is easier than 2),3)

5 Classical algorithms Consider any randomized algorithm with error 1/3 for Problem 4) We will show:  (N) queries are necessary

6 Quantum algorithms How fast can quantum computers search? Grover’s algorithm needs O(N 1/2 ) queries! A matching lower bound was proved 2 years earlier… Every quantum algorithm for Problem 4) needs  (N 1/2 ) queries This rules out “brute force” algorithms for SAT, they need time 2 n/2

7 Grover’s algorithm [Grover 96] Needs N 1/2 queries in the worst case More general: If there are t positions i with x i =1, then we need (N/t) 1/2 queries

8 Grover’s algorithm We start by assuming there is exactly one x i =1, unknown to us (Problem 2) Consider vectors |i i and the vector |  0 i =  j=0...N-1 1/N 1/2 |j i ”Goal” und “Start” We try to decrease the distance between the two? Consider the plane spanned by|i i and |  0 i ; Let|e i be orthogonal to |i i in that plane

9 Grover’s algorithm Consider the plane spanned by|i i and |  0 i ; Let|e i be orthogonal to |i i in that plane Reflect around |e i and then around |  0 i Result: |i i |e i |i|i 

10 Grover’s algorithm Consider the plane spanned by|i i and |  0 i ; Let|e i be orthogonal to |i i in that plane Reflect around |e i and then around |  0 i Result: |i i |e i |i|i 

11 Grover’s algorithm Consider the plane spanned by|i i and |  0 i ; Let|e i be orthogonal to |i i in that plane Reflect around |e i and then around |  0 i Result: rotation by 2  |i i |e i |i|i 

12 Grover’s algorithm Consider the plane spanned by|i i and |  0 i ; Let|e i be orthogonal to |i i in that plane Reflect around |e i and then around |  0 i Result: rotation by 2  If our vector has an angle  to |  0 i, then first -  -  to |e i and then 2  +  to |  0 i |i i |e i |i|i 

13 Grover’s algorithm Reflect around |e i and then around |   i Result: rotation by 2  |e i =  i  j 1/(N-1) 1/2 |j i How many iterations? At most (  /2)/(2  ) iterations 1/N 1/2 = h i|  0 i = cos(  /2-  ) = sin(  ) Then 1/N 1/2 = sin(  ) ¼  and we need around  /4 ¢ N 1/2 iterations

14 Grover’s algorithm Reflect around |e i and then around |   i Result: rotation by 2  |e i =  i  j 1/(N-1) 1/2 |j i But how can we do it? Reflection around |e i : map a|i i + b|e i to -a|i i + b|e i We can do this with a query! Black box query can change sign for|i i when x i =1 |e i |i|i |i i

15 Grover’s algorithm Reflect around |e i and then around |   i Reflection around |  0 i : Apply 2|  0 ih  0 |- I Let N=2 n, positions 0,...,N-1 in binary Implement this unitary by H ­ n P H ­ n, where P|0 n i =|0 n i and P|x i =-|x i otherwise |e i |i|i |i i

16 Grover’s algorithm Operation 2|  0 ih  0 |- I Implemented as H ­ n P H ­ n, where P|0 n i =|0 n i and P|x i =-|x i otherwise

17 Grover’s algorithm Operation 2|  0 ih  0 |- I Implemented as H ­ n P H ­ n, where P|0 n i =|0 n i and P|x i =-|x i

18 Grover’s algorithm Operation 2|  0 ih  0 |- I Other interpretation: vector (a 0,...,a N-1 ) is mapped to vector with (2  j a j /N)-a i in position i Inversion around the average

19 Grover’s algorithm Black Box: Use additional qubit 1/2 1/2 (|0 i -|1 i ) Apply the usual black box: |i i |a i is mapped to |i i |a © x i i Trick with the additional qubit: black box maps |i i to (-1) x i |i i

20 Grover’s algorithm Register with n qubits Starting state |  0 i =  j=0...N-1 1/N 1/2 |j i [Apply H ­ n to |0 n i ] Iterate roughly N 1/2 times: Apply black box Apply H ­ n P H ­ n, where P|0 n i =|0 n i and P|x i =-|x i Measure i, test also, if x i =1

21 Grover’s algorithm H H H H H H O H H H H H H H H H H H H P ¼ /4 N 1/2

22 Example x 0 =1, other x i =0 Start:  j=0...N-1 1/N 1/2 |j i Query:  j=1...N-1 1/N 1/2 |j i - 1/N 1/2 |0 i Inversion around the average vector (a 0,...,a N-1 ) maps to vector with (2  j a j /N)-a i in position i Result: amplitude of |0 i increases to roughly 3/N 1/2, other amplitudes stay almost the same Repeat…. Finish after (  /2)/(2/N 1/2 )=(  /4) N 1/2 steps

23 Exact number of iterations If we iterate too many times we move away from the desired final state! Start:  j=0...N-1 1/N 1/2 |j i 1/N 1/2 |i 0 i +  j  i 0 1/N 1/2 |j i k j : amplitude of i 0 after j iterations; l j : other amplitudes after j iterations; k 0,l 0 =1/N 1/2 Next iteration k j+1 = (N-2)/N ¢ k j +2(N-1)/N ¢ l j l j+1 = (N-2)/N ¢ l j -2/N ¢ k j We can show that k j =sin((2j+1)  ); l j =1/(N-1) 1/2 cos((2j+1)  ) where  such that sin 2 (  )=1/N k m =1 if (2m+1)  =  /2, if m=(  -2  )/(4  ) Error is smaller than 1/N if b  /4 N 1/2 c iterations

24 More than one solution Assume there are t values of i with x i =1 t known Same algorithm, fewer iterations Similar analysis as before, error t/N after b  /4 ¢ (N/t) 1/2 c iterations Important observation: superposition over all marked positions |i i (the goal state) has inner product (t/N) 1/2 with | Á 0 i and so angle between | Á 0 i and |e i is of that size

25 Unknown number of solutions There are t values of i with x i =1 t is now unknown We use smaller and smaller estimates for t and run the previous algorithm s=N/2,N/4,N/8,..., ¼ t/2,... Every time we make O((N/s) 1/2 ) queries Total number of queries  s=N/2,N/4,...,t/2 (N/s) 1/2 = O((N/t) 1/2 ) Consider (N/t) -1/2 ¢  a=1,...,log N-log t+1 2 a/2 =O(1) geometric sum

26 Classical algorithms Consider randomized algorithms with error 1/3 for Problem 4) We show that we need  (N) queries

27 Classical algorithms Given: randomized algorithm If we have a randomized algo with T queries (worst case) and success probability p then there is a deterministic algorithm with T queries and success p for random x E x E r [Success for x with r]=p ) there is r, such that E x [Success for x] ¸ p Fix r ) deterministic algorithm

28 Classical algorithms Distribution on inputs: probability 1/2 for 0 N, inputs 000010  000 have probability 1/(2N) each Deterministic algo with error 1/3 and <N/3 queries Must be correct on 000  00 If 2/3 ¢ N positions, that could be one, hence the algorithm makes mistakes on >2N/3, error >1/3 Every algorithm needs at least N/3 queries

29 Quantum search Grover does it in O(N 1/2 ) Lower bound for Problem 4)  (N 1/2 )

30 The lower bound Consider quantum query algorithm A Run A on 0 N, with T queries States  0...N-1 a i,t |i i ­ |u i,t i­ |v i,t i i: address, u register for output of the black box, v for workspace, t=1..T time Define query magnitude M(i) =  t=1...T |a i,t | 2 Intuitively “probability of querying i” E i M(i) · T/N Fix i with M(i) · T/N A has little information regarding x i, cannot decide well whether x i =1 or =0

31 The lower bound Query magnitude M(i) =  t=1...T |a i,t | 2 Fix i with M(i) · T/N Cauchy Schwarz:  t=1...T |a i,t | ·  t=1...T 1 ¢ |a i,t | · T 1/2 (  t=1...T |a i,t | 2 ) 1/2 · T/N 1/2 y(i) is a string with y(i) i =1 and 0 elsewhere Consider the following situations: In query 1 to t Black Box holds 0 N From query t+1 Black Box holds y(i) Final state |  (t) i |  (0) i Final state on y(i); |  (T) i Final state on 0 N

32 The lower bound Consider distance between |  (t) i and |  (t-1) i Then: Same until step t-1 In step t we introduce distance 2 1/2 |a i,t | From step t+1 no change Set |E(t) i = |  (t) i -|  (t-1) i Then k E(t) k· 2 1/2 |a i,t |

33 The lower bound |  (0) i final state on y(i); |  (T) i final state on 0 N k |  (T) i - |  (0) i k = k |  (T) i - |  (T-1) i +|  (T-1) i - |  (0) i k · k |  (T) i - |  (T-1) i k + k |  (T-1) i - |  (0) i k ·  t=1...T k |  (t) i - |  (t-1) i k =  t=1...T k |E  (t) i k ·  t=1...T 2 1/2 |a i,t | · 2 1/2 T/N 1/2 If T<N 1/2 /10, then the distance is some small constant, i.e., the error will be large and 0 N and y(i) have the same output with some good probability

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