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Presentation on theme: "Enzymes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzymes

2 Enzymes: Proteins that increase the rate of chemical reactions
Enzymes are needed for ALL biochemical reactions Building up molecules, breaking down and reorganizing molecules Enzymes are called biological catalysts Speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy Enzymes Reusable (unlimited use unless damaged) Specific (only work with certain molecules/ reactions) Enzymes are damaged by pH and temperature High pH and High temperature Causes change in the enzyme’s shape—can no longer bind or do its job!

3 Enzyme Function Enzymes have active sites where the substrate (reactant) binds/fits into the enzyme When the substrate and active site bind, the enzyme changes shape causing a reaction to happen

4 Enzyme Function Once the reaction occurs the substrate no longer fits in the enzyme and is released as product Enzyme returns to original shape ready to be reused again

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