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 Do The Usual (hw out, supplies, agenda)  Your homework is: study for your quiz on Monday (there is a review sheet on my Web site with an answer key)

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Presentation on theme: " Do The Usual (hw out, supplies, agenda)  Your homework is: study for your quiz on Monday (there is a review sheet on my Web site with an answer key)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Do The Usual (hw out, supplies, agenda)  Your homework is: study for your quiz on Monday (there is a review sheet on my Web site with an answer key)  Complete questions #20-23 on page 369 in your workbook.

2 Factor Land

3 Factor 25+30

4 5(5+6)

5 Factor 24+32

6 8(3+4)

7 Factor 80-60

8 20(4-3)

9 Factor 42-28

10 7(6-4)

11 Factor 5n+10

12 5(n+2)

13 Factor 12m+16

14 4(3m+4)

15 Factor 20m-15

16 5m(4-3)

17 Factor 8y+16y

18 8y(1+2)

19 Factor 14p+21p

20 7p(2+3)

21 Factor 9w+21d

22 3(3w+7d )

23 Carla went to Target and bought several bags of candy. Carla purchased 7 bags of Skittles that cost $3.99 each. She also purchased 7 bags of m&m’s that had a price of $4.79 each. Write an expression using the distributive property that could be used to determine the total cost of the candy.

24 7(3.99+4. 79)

25 Jim and Henry can each run at a fast pace. They wanted to know who can run further in 5 minutes. At their race Jim ran 1.2 miles in 5 minutes and Henry ran 1.4 miles in 5 minutes. Write an expression using the distributive property to that could be used to determine how much further Henry ran.

26 5(1.4-1.2)

27 At Wegmans, if you buy eight pounds of coffee it will cost you two dollars a pound. If you were to purchase eight pounds of tea leaves it would cost two-and-a- half dollars a pound. Write an expression using the distributive property that could be used to the difference in the cost of each item.

28 8(2.5-2)

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