Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ

2 Churches of Christ Are Different Belief Belief: We don’t all believe same thing Teaching Teaching: We don’t all teach same thing Practice Practice: We don’t all practice same thing

3 At The Center: Respect for Bible Respect for Authority Church Organization Church Work Social Gospel Divorce / Rem. Church Recreation Preaching

4 How To Determine What Is Authorized Command/ Direct Statement Approved Example Necessary Inference vv. 13-21 v. 12 vv. 7-11 Acts 15 Circumcision Observance 1 Cor. 11:23-24 Time of Ob. Acts 20:7 Frequency Acts 20:7 Illustracted Lord’s Supper



7 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ I. No Authority for Church Support of Human Institutions


9 Is Not: Should orphans and others in need be helped? Should the church help those who are in need? A matter of “how” – i.e. modes, means or methods. Should a “place” be maintained? Would we let an orphan starve to death? It Is: A Question of a separate organization between the church and the work of benevolence.

10 The Church Can Do Its Own Work Acts 6:1-6 1 Tim. 5:16

11 There Is No Command Example NecessaryInference } To authorize the church to send money to a human organization to care for the needy. If there is, where is the passage?

12 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ I. No Authority for Church Support of Human Institutions II. No Authority for Sponsoring Churches



15 God’s Pattern For The NT Church


17 There Is No Command Example NecessaryInference } To authorize the one church to send money to another church to preach the gospel If there is, where is the passage?

18 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ I. No Authority for Church Support of Human Institutions II. No Authority for Sponsoring Churches III. No Authority For Social Gospel

19 The Social Gospel: Church Kitchen Fellowship Hall Ball Teams Recreation Programs Day Care Centers Gimmicks To Draw Crowds Etc…

20 The Church Is Not A Social Order Rom. 14:17 John 18:36 1 Pet. 2:5 The Gospel Is Not A Social Gospel John 6:26-27 Rom. 1:16-17 1 Cor. 1:18, 21; 2:2-5

21 Eating In The Building The Issue: Was Not: Is the bld sacred? Can one eat inside the Building? Can one eat on church property? Was & Is: Can the church have a common meal for social and recreational purposes?

22 Work of the Local Church Evangelism (1 Tim. 3:15) Edification (Eph. 4:16) Benevolence (1 Tim. 5:16) Social / Recreation (?? Where is the passage ??)

23 There Is No Command Example NecessaryInference } To authorize the church to arrange / support a common meal for social and recreational purposes. If there is, where is the passage?

24 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ I. No Authority for Church Support of Human Institutions II. No Authority for Sponsoring Churches III. No Authority For Social Gospel IV. Tolerant Spirit is Unscriptural

25 Churches Must Deal With Sin In Their Midst 2 Tim. 4:1-5 Rom. 16:17-18 1 Cor. 5:1-13 2 Thess. 3:6-15

26 IV. Tolerant Spirit is Unscriptural Tolerated in Some Churches of Christ: Immodesty Dancing Adultery Divorce & Remarriage Denominations

27 Why we are different from other Churches of Christ Why we are different from other Churches of Christ I. No Authority for Church Support of Human Institutions II. No Authority for Sponsoring Churches III. No Authority For Social Gospel IV. Tolerant Spirit is Unscriptural

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