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Prepared by Kamal Hosny 11367 Maged Osama 11377.

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3 Prepared by Kamal Hosny 11367 Maged Osama 11377

4 under supervision of Prof./Sherein Saeid

5 pulpy kidney

6 Definition Pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia) is a a common, per acute and usually fatal enterotoximic disease of sheep, goats and cattle. It occurs in sheep when a bacterium (C.perfringens type D) that normally inhabits the animal’s intestines without causing problems begins to multiply and produce toxins.

7 the Epsilon toxin of C. perfringens type D Clostridium perfringens type D causes the highest number of sheep fatalities. It is a large, gram positive, anaerobic bacillus that is commensalises the gastrointestinal tract of most mammals cause

8 Per acute sudden death Acute salivation and coma Sub acute neurological signs Symptoms

9 Sudden change in diet (high CHO content ) Acidosis (good media for M.O multiplication) Secretion of Epsilon toxin Circulation of the toxin in the blood Endothelial injury Edema and hemorrhage in the brain and kidney Pathogenesis Pathogenesis

10  Hemorrhage under the skin, heart and kidney  Straw colored fluid or jelly like clot in the pericardial sac Postmortem

11  Small intestine tear easily and its content is creamy.  The kidney usually more dark and jelly like and decompose more rapidly than other organs.

12 o The lamb found dead with extended limbs and head thrown back o The carcass is decomposed rapidly in few hours. N.B

13 Kidney : Necrosis and degeneration of proximal convoluted tubules Microscopic

14 Brain : Brain edema and hemorrhage around the capillaries symmetric encephalomalacia


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