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Lesson 5.2 The Cold War.

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1 Lesson 5.2 The Cold War

2 Knight’s Charge Write 4 complex sentences using the words “because” (for 2) and “when” (for 2). Write them about WWII and the Cold War. Examples: BECAUSE the USSR and the US had different political and economic systems, there was a lot of tension between the two countries during the Cold War. WHEN the United States invaded the beaches at Normandy, many soldiers lives were lost.

3 Weird Disney Fact of the Day!

4 The Cold War…

5 So why all the hate? Communists hate Capitalism because they think that it will lead to IMPERIALISM and WAR!

6 Why the hate? Capitalists hate Communism because they believe that it will lead to TOTALITARIANISM and POVERTY!

7 Containment Re-Visited:
Containment: Capitalists want to treat Communism like poison Ivy. Contain…Don’t agitate. If you agitate it, you get a nasty rash. So…you need to contain it to a specific area to keep it from spreading.


First World Counties: Industrialized and wealthy countries.

10 World Classifications
Second World: Communist/Communist controlled countries during the Cold War.

11 World classifications:
Third World: Poor and un-industrialized countries. Sometimes have valuable resources.

12 First world strategy “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Translation: If you are not a communist, you are my friend! The US tried to gain all of the other FIRST and THIRD world countries as their allies before the communists could get to them!

13 DOMINO EFFECT THEORY Domino Effect Theory: If any country fell into communism, then other countries close by would also begin to fall. It would eventually lead back to the United States.

14 The Berlin Airlift Berlin (the capital of Germany) is in the Soviet zone of Germany. Berlin was also split into 4 pieces. Berlin Blockade: The Soviets cut off supplies to West Berlin in an attempt to force them to become communist. The people of Berlin begin to suffer.

15 The Berlin airlift Berlin Airlift: The Allies (NATO) flew over 200,000 flights dropping over 4,700 tons of food and supplies.

16 Red scare! Capitalist citizens (Americans in particular) were afraid that communists were out to get them. COMMUNIST HUNTING! A lot of people were accused (directors, actors, teachers, government workers, etc.) of being communists or communist supporters. A lot of the evidence presented was usually very “shady.” (not very convincing)

17 But…WhAT SCARES THE U.S. Even more?

18 Joseph McCarthy and McCaarthyism..
Senator from Wisconsin Prosecuted “suspected” Communists Used fake photos and letters Started the “House of Un-American Activities Committee” Communist “Witch” Hunts

19 The Arms Race The Soviet Union has now figured out how to develop nuclear weapons (1949 first successful test) The U.S. and the Soviet Union begin racing to see who can develop the most Nuclear Weapons in order to have the upper hand.

20 Cold War….In the US

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