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Purpose To deepen your knowledge to use satellite images for practical nowcasting during situations of summer convection  Model monitoring  Interpretation.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose To deepen your knowledge to use satellite images for practical nowcasting during situations of summer convection  Model monitoring  Interpretation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose To deepen your knowledge to use satellite images for practical nowcasting during situations of summer convection  Model monitoring  Interpretation of relevant structures  Optimal utilisation of different kind of data  radar, NWP, radiosoundings, synops

2 Pre-requesites Pre-reading of material and quiz in relation to "Convection" Online-presentation

3 Content 1.Repition conceptual models –Diagrammes –How it looks in satellite images, typical structures 2.Nowcasting process –Pre-warning –Interpretation of satellite images –combination with radar (briefly) 3.Group work and discussions

4 Conceptual models

5 Typical hodographs single cell multi cell super cell

6 Development stages of single cells

7 Radar echos within a multi cell WER = Weak Echo Region

8 Cross section of a super cell gust front hail rain gust clouds Windspeed H e i g h t (km) H e i g h t (km) Movement of the system: from left to right horizontal hatched: updraft, vertical hatched: radar echo of more than 10³ mm 6 m -3 Right diagramm: wind speed relatively to the movement of the super cell Overshooting possible

9 Radar echos within a squall-line

10 NOAA-VIS, 28.05.99, 14 UTC: Convective structures Multicells, cirrus shield spreaded to the NE according to high level wind Single cells Super cells, first overshootings Squall-line development

11 V-Notch: NOAA IR 10.8 μm (02.06.99, 14:52 UTC) Video V-Notches: tip directed to SW and to SE, repectively

12 Squall-Line: NOAA IR 10.8 μm (02.06.1999, 17:25)

13 Squall-Line: NOAA VIS 0.8 μm (02.06.1999, 17:25) Overshootings Bow structure

14 MCC: NOAA 0.8 μm (28.05.99, 17:36 UTC) Overshootings

15 MCC: NOAA IR 10.8 μm (28.05.99, 17:36 UTC)

16 Nowcasting - process

17 Pre-warning (NWP-fields), here only surface pressure+ equivalent potential temperature (850 hPa) KO-index + vertical velocity in 500 hPa Pre-warning (radiosoundings)

18 Radiosoundings (Middle Europe): KO + Wind 850 hPa  present situation: potential instability

19 Radiosounding (SW-Germany): Measurement + evaluation

20 GME+06h (02-06-09, 06 UTC): NWP-field okay? / which conceptual model? Airmass-RGB + potential vorticity 330 K (near tropopause)

21 GME+12h (02-06-09, 12 UTC) KO-Index and vertical motion (500 hPa) (Two critical areas over / near Germany)

22 GME+12h (02-06-09, 12 UTC) Surface pressure and Theta (850 hPa) (Two convergences over / near Germany)

23 Nowcasting up to 6 hours (which conceptual models can be used)

24 Convection at leading edge of frontal cloud band (from Satmanu)

25 Convection by PV-triggering (from Satmanu) PV-max PVA  convection PVA movement

26 Airmass-RGB + PV at 330 K Ellipse: Convection at leading edge of frontal cloud bands Arrows: PV-maxima 6 hours later  Convection by PV?

27 2-6-09, 06 UTC: Surface pressure tendencies (hPa/10/3h) + 10 m wind + Water vapour 6.2 μm

28 Weather monitoring and nowcasting

29 Utilisation of different products (beginning convection) (02-06-2009) HRV: 9:30Radar (1km): 9:45IR-CTT < -25°C: 10:15 RGB "Airmass": 11:30 (becoming less suitable – not further used) RGB "Severe convection": 11:30 (becoming more important) ! ! less dangerous

30 2-6-09, 12:30 UTC: 10 m wind + "Severe convection"

31 2-6-09, 12:30 UTC: 10 m wind + IR-enhanced (hail possible)

32 2-6-09, 14 UTC: Surface pressure tendencies (hPa/10/3h) (decreasing, increasing) + 10 m wind + HRV

33 2-6-09, 14:30 UTC: 10 m wind + IR-enhanced (V-structure)

34 2-6-09, 14:30 UTC: Information from different remote sensing (strong convection) 9 km hail likely, cell's mature stage HRV: overshooting  severe convection, cells' development southeast IR-enhanced: V- structure  severe convection, cells' development southeast "severe convection": small ice particles at SE edge of big complex  strongest updraft. New cells SE of it, small yellow area  development potential. Doppler: gusts at least 35 knots, observation network: "only" 19 knots

35 2-6-09, 18 UTC: Surface pressure tendencies (hPa/10/3h) + (decreasing, increasing) + 10 m wind + HRV Increasing surface pressure  convection's weakening

36 Summary 1. For "early warning" –NWP (monitoring with corresponding measurments and/or satellite images) –NWP: Regions of convection –Radiosoundings 2.Nowcasting –before clouds develop and during convection's onset: Airmass / WV some hours before hints to probable convection (consider also the movement of relevant structures (PV-maxima)) –HRV with first hints, followed by a) radar b) IR and composites –After convection started Airmass and WV with reduced benefit "Severe convection" very helpful for development's potential IR: hail, V-structures (according enhancement) HRV: Overshootings, most active convection, V-structure, bow-structure Fine structure: radar Thunderstorms: Lightning detection Observations / measurements, of course!

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