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Web Princeton? Really, XML Applications!

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Presentation on theme: "Web Princeton? Really, XML Applications!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Services @ Princeton? Really, XML Applications!

2 Need Automate process of: –Choosing –Ordering –Tracking –Registering New computers for: –Faculty (FCP, Faculty Computer Program) –Students (SCI, Student Computer Initiative)

3 First Steps Apple’s Web Objects –Provided order information –Machine MAC address For student computer orders Too complex to maintain (Apple)

4 Generalization Working with IBM, Dell, Apple: –Orders generate XML document: cXML ( format (Apple, Dell) Inhouse DTD file (IBM) –Secure POST to vendor site (Dell, IBM) Validates XML response –ftp (pgp-encrypted) to Apple Validate by checking size of file

5 Tracking Dell and IBM –Asset reports emailed –Processed by procmail Apple –XML invoice posted asynchronously

6 Vendor Web Services Almost! Filenet Web Content Management –XML services –SOAP communications between servers –Externalized for local integration BUT... Product NRFPT

7 Summary FTP instead of B2B AGP (awk, grep, and procmail) and secure HTTP PUT instead of full- blown SOAP F2F (Face To Face) instead of WSDL and UDDI

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