Takoma Park Elementary School Enriching the lives of students through our Primary Magnet.

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Presentation on theme: "Takoma Park Elementary School Enriching the lives of students through our Primary Magnet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Takoma Park Elementary School Enriching the lives of students through our Primary Magnet

2 Goal of the Magnet Program To provide an enriched learning experience to all TPES students To provide an individualized learning experience that supports all learners at all levels

3 Current Program Heterogeneously grouped homeroom classes based on reading levels Math classes- Accelerated, Compacted and grade level Science/Social Studies classes- Homogeneously grouped

4 Primary Magnet Program Design Students will be heterogeneously grouped for homeroom based on reading levels. Included in the reading programs will be –Junior Great Books –William & Mary

5 Primary Magnet Program Design All students will be regrouped for math This will allow us to narrow the range of students in a classroom and maximize student potential in math.

6 Primary Magnet Program Design Science/Social Studies will be taught daily in homeroom classes. Extensions formally used in our GT social studies and science classes will be incorporated into all classes.

7 Benefits All current components of the instructional program remain intact. Enrichment strategies will be incorporated into all curricula areas for all students.

8 Benefits Diverse social studies and science classes providing unique experiences to draw upon. Allows for easy integration of reading into science/social studies curriculum. Provides homeroom flexibility

9 Advantages for All All students who warrant acceleration will receive it (in most subjects) Every student in 1 st and 2 nd grade will receive science bi-weekly A cohort of students who are highly able TPES is a magnet school that serves all students in the school

10 ALL SERVICES ARE FOR ALL STUDENTS AT OUR SCHOOL TPES does not have a separate program for magnet students

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