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5.6 Indirect Proof and Inequalities in Two Triangles

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1 5.6 Indirect Proof and Inequalities in Two Triangles
Goal: Read and write an indirect proof and use the Hinge Theorem and its converse to compare side lengths and angle measures.

2 Standard 16 Students perform basic constructions with a straightedge and compass, such as angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, and the line parallel to a given line through a point off the line. Los estudiantes realizan construcciones básicas con una regla y un compás, tales como la bisectriz de un ángulo, las bisectrices de los segmentos perpendiculares, y la línea paralela a una línea dada a través de un punto afuera de la línea.

3 Vocabulary An indirect proof is a proof in which you prove that a statement is true by first assuming that its opposite is true. If this assumption leads to an impossibility, then you have proved that the original statement is true.

4 Theorem 5.14 Hinge Theorem If two sides of one triangle are congruent to two sides of another triangle, and the included angle of the first is larger than the included angle of the second, then the third side of the first is longer than the third side of the second. E B mB > mE D F A C AC > DF

5 Theorem 5.15 Converse of the Hinge Theorem
If two sides of one triangle are congruent to two sides of another triangle, and the third side of the first is longer than the third side of the second, then the included angle of the first is larger than the included angle of the first is larger than the included angle of the second. E B AC > DF C D F A mB > mE

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