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Section 2 Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed. Section 2, Part 2 The Redemptive Nature of Christ’s Earthly Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2 Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed. Section 2, Part 2 The Redemptive Nature of Christ’s Earthly Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2 Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed

2 Section 2, Part 2 The Redemptive Nature of Christ’s Earthly Life

3 Introduction  The Father’s saving plan is fully revealed through his Son Jesus and fully understood through the Holy Spirit  Every action of Jesus is revelatory  Part 2 of Section 2 focuses on the words and deeds of Jesus during his life that precede his Passion but already begin the mystery Redemption  Section 3 will look at the final words and deeds of Jesus at the end of his life during his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension  Five Articles  A. 17 -- The Luminous Mysteries  A. 18 -- The Poverty of Christ  A. 19 -- The Obedience of Christ  A. 20 -- Christ’s Moral Preaching  A. 21 -- Christ’s Healings

4 Article 17: The Luminous Mysteries  Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae in 2002 by JPII  Luminous—definition, explanation of name, and content  Kingdom of God—definition & relation to mysteries of light and Jesus  Rosary = vocal and mental prayer—contemplation  1) The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River  All four Gospels; fulfills Isaiah  Jesus’ cousin John  Baptism of repentance vs. sacramental  Necessary for Jesus? Why?  Trinitarian revelation  2) The Wedding Feast at Cana  Only John; first of seven signs  Story and significant details  First public miracle; beginning of public ministry  Mary’s role; the disciples role

5 Article 17 cont.: The Luminous Mysteries  3) The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God  Many teachings and miracles in all four Gospels  Kingdom of God is already present in the person of Jesus Christ  He is the fulfillment of all the OT Messianic prophecies  Proper response is to repent and believe  4) The Transfiguration of Jesus  In all synoptic Gospels after Jesus reveals that the Messiah will suffer and die  Inner circle on Mount Tabor  Christ, Moses, and Elijah, sun and clouds and voice  Strengthen the disciples for Passion and future disciples after  5) The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper  In all synoptic Gospels, 1 Cor., and implied in John  Passover meal before his death = first Eucharist/Mass–instituted  Fulfillment of the OT Passover and Paschal Lamb  Eucharist is heart & soul of Paschal Mystery so Mass is heart & soul of XTN life

6 Homework  Re-edit Section 2, Part 2 HW #’s 1-2 if necessary  Re-read AA. 18-19 in the e-book for discussion tomorrow if necessary

7 Article 18: The Poverty of Christ  Jesus’ poverty teaches us about God’s plan of redemption/Redeemer  First century Judea had 2 social classes not 3 like us today  Elites vs. non-elites (enslaved better than self-employed)  Cash crops vs. subsistence crops  Jesus embraced poverty throughout the Gospels  Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem, desert temptation, scribe, final judgment  Mother Teresa—wealth makes it difficult to see God but if you have the gift use it to help others  Why did Jesus embrace poverty rather than try to escape it?  Cultural misunderstanding of wealth—Gospel of Wealth today  Universal distribution of goods—rich young man, Lazarus, final judgment, dinner, wedding banquet, …  Then who can be saved: Poverty of Heart or Spiritual Poverty—(chart)  Relationship between spiritual poverty and material poverty  Very delicate subject and root of true freedom

8 Article 19: The Obedience of Christ  Why is obedience, like poverty but for different reasons, a touchy topic  Compare and contrast Jesus with Adam and Eve’s obedience  Rm. 5: 19 and Philippians 2  What does Jesus’ obedience mean for us  Human relationships--below  Mary and Joseph—Lk. 2  Divine relationships—same level or above  Passion—Mt. 26  Greatest act of human freedom—freedom from own self  1 Pt. 1  What are some ways you are being called to obedient in your own daily life  Which ones come easily; why  Which ones are particularly challenging; why

9 Homework  Re-edit Section 2, Part 2 HW #’s 3-5 if necessary  Read AA. 20-21 in the e-book for discussion tomorrow

10 Article 20: Christ’s Moral Preaching  Even more controversial that the poverty or obedience of Christ  Why? What part most challenging for you?  Relationship between OT Old Law and NT New Law  Role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit—fulfillment and living  Purification of conscience  Legalism versus community  Summary of the New Law—Dt. 6 in Mk. 12: God & neighbor but who?  Essence of New Law in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7)  Outline  3 examples of OT letter to NT spirit—epikeia  Mt. 5: 21-22—murder to anger: temptation vs. sin  Mt. 5: 27-28—adultery to lust: avoidance vs. chastity/celibacy  Mt. 5: 43-44—love of neighbor to enemy: trust over fear to everyone  “Then who can be saved?”—simple, difficult, possible—love not like

11 Article 21: Christ’s Healings  Human experiences of being sick—no fun, foreshadowing of death  Not God’s original plan but result of Original Sin  Jesus responded by healing blind, deaf, lame, mute, possessed, lepers, sick, and even dead  Sign of the Kingdom of God, Messiah (prophecies), Father’s plan being fulfilled, and foretaste of heaven (wholeness of mind, body, and spirit)  Why didn’t Jesus heal everybody though? (more and redemptive)  Cultural understanding of sickness vs. Jesus’ understanding vs. today’s  Relationship between evil and sickness  Exorcism—Jesus and today  Modern psychology and wellness movement—mind, body, spirit but detached  History of Catholic Church extending Christ’s Healing Ministry  Sacrament of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick  Doctors, nurses, chaplains, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, …

12 Homework  p. 93; 6-9  Study for the Section 2, Part 2 Quiz (AA 17-21) tomorrow  Make sure the Section 2, Part 2 HW (p. 93; 1-9) is ready to turn in tomorrow

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